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An Unhappy Game at Scotch and English, pamphlets like the Mercurius Elenchicus and Mercurius Pragmaticus, the Justiciarius Justificatus, by George Wither, perished about the same time in the same way; and in 1648 such profane Royalist political squibs as The Parliament's Ten Commandments; The Parliament's Pater Noster, and Articles of the Faith; and Ecce the New Testament of our Lords and Saviours, the House of Commons at Westminster, or the Supreme Council at Windsor, were, for special indignity, condemned to be burnt in the three most public places of London.

Others were entitled respectively Mercurius Britannicus Mercurius Anti-Britannicus Mercurius Fumigosus, a Smoaking Nocturnal Mercurius Pragmaticus Mercurius Anti-Pragmaticus Mercurius Mercuriorum Stultissimus Mercurius Insanus Insanissimus Mercurius Diabolicus Mercurius Mastix, faithfully lashing all Scouts, Mercuries, Posts, Spyes, and others Mercurius Radamanthus, the Chief Judge of Hell, his Circuits through all the Courts of Law in England, etc., etc.

Nothing is said of forks. But in the same account, under February 1st, 1500-1, one Mistress Brent receives 12s. In Newbery's "Dives Pragmaticus," 1563, a unique poetical volume in the library at Althorpe, there is a catalogue of cooking utensils which, considering its completeness, is worth quotation; the author speaks in the character of a chapman one forestalling Autolycus:

A recital of some of the articles on sale in a baker's or confectioner's shop in 1563, occurs in Newbery's "Dives Pragmaticus": simnels, buns, cakes, biscuits, comfits, caraways, and cracknels: and this is the first occurrence of the bun that I have hitherto been able to detect.