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Had he not been in such a hurry he would have returned to his family laden with presents, for we had set aside several articles designed for him. Our camp was specially built to protect us from the flies, and consisted of a framework of ti-tree poles and branches, roofed with grass and pig-face; under this we slung our mosquito-nets and enjoyed perfect peace.

Bonney still very bad. For the last two miles we have had no sand hills, but very dense mallee and tea-tree, with a light sandy soil with a little limestone, also salt bush and pig-face in abundance. No water. Sunday, 15th August, Dense Mallee Scrub. Started at 8.45 on same bearing, 165 degrees.

I would think all day as to how I would make myself resolute, and I would say when old Feodor Stepanovitch would pinch my ear and deny me more soup, 'Ah ha, you wait, you old pig-face you wait until I've mastered my resolution and then I'll show you! I fancied, for instance, that if I could command myself sufficiently I could just go to people and say, 'You must have bath-houses like this and this' I had all the plans ready, you know, and in the hottest room you have couches like this, and you have a machine that beats your back so, so, so not those dirty old things that leave bits of green stuff all over you and so on, and so on.

On the East side of the spring is an open space of sand; surrounding it and the clay-pan is a luxuriant growth of pig-face a finger-like plant, soft, squashy, and full of moisture, but salt; it is commonly seen on the margin of salt-lakes. Beyond the pig-face, tussocks of grass and buck-bush, beyond that again a mass of ti-tree scrub extending to the foot of the sandhills.

My eyes had torn themselves from the round black muzzles, from the accursed diamonds that had been our snare, the pasty pig-face of the over-fed pugilist, and the flaming cheeks and hook nose of Rosenthall himself. I was looking beyond them at the doorway filled with quivering silk and plush, black faces, white eyeballs, woolly pates. But a sudden silence recalled my attention to the millionaire.