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The Commandant helped her to draw in the boat, and they clambered on board. "But surely you don't expect me to steer!" protested Sir Ommaney, gazing blankly around at the darkness, as Vashti directed him to take his seat in the stern sheets. "No, I have unshipped the rudder, and you will have nothing to do but sit still and wonder." She snugged away the sail.

And all the way home I could hear old Lady Ommaney murmuring to herself, quite unconscious that she was speaking aloud, 'My stars! I hope I have not done wrong! What will my Lady Walwyn say? Not that he would be altogether a bad match for her after our notions.

Yet, the basis of defence, the simple principle, lies here, and has always lain here. If you had come to discuss this " Sir Ommaney lifted a hand. "But that is partly even chiefly what I am come to consider." "Ah!" "And I have seen a letter about you, addressed to the War Office by the Lord Proprietor: an unfriendly letter, I may say."

Captain Forsyth had, however, before this returned in the Prince Albert to England, with news of an interesting discovery made by Captain Ommaney, of some articles left by Sir John Franklin on Cape Riley. He reached Aberdeen on the 22nd of October, having been absent somewhat less than four months.