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Mottet, and live in this house." He had been in after all and had come down to hear what the ringing was about. "And now may I ask, sir ?" "Certainly, you may. I am a reporter from Police Headquarters, come up to tell you that your wife is locked up in the Thirtieth Street police station." The doctor looked fixedly at me for a full minute.

I am a little critical, so far as music is concerned, and you have two sopranos outside who deafen me with their shrieks." "It is Marguerite Mottet and her sister. Since our cure has taken to teaching them, they bore us to death, coming here and singing their fine songs. One of these days I shall notify them to leave."

A despatch from the Tenderloin police station had it that the wife of the Rev. Dr. Henry Mottet was locked up there, out of her mind. We had no means of knowing that Dr. Mottet was at that time a confirmed bachelor. So I went over to condole with him, and incidentally to ask what was the matter with his wife, any way.

I am a little critical, so far as music is concerned, and you have two sopranos outside who deafen me with their shrieks." "It is Marguerite Mottet and her sister. Since our cure has taken to teaching them, they bore us to death, coming here and singing their fine songs. One of these days I shall notify them to leave."

I am a little critical, so far as music is concerned, and you have two sopranos outside who deafen me with their shrieks." "It is Marguerite Mottet and her sister. Since our cure has taken to teaching them, they bore us to death, coming here and singing their fine songs. One of these days I shall notify them to leave."