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He was preparing such a work ... such a work ... such a Mistress was a-making in the gestation of his Art ... let him but get this period of probation and poignant waiting over and men should see.... How should men know her, this Fair One of Oleron's, until Oleron himself knew her? Lovely radiant creations are not thrown off like How-d'ye-do's.

'I can't think what's coming to these St. Launce's people at all at all. 'With their "How-d'ye-do's," do you mean? 'Ay, with their "How-d'ye-do's," and shaking of hands, asking me in, and tender inquiries for you, John. These words formed part of a conversation between John Smith and his wife on a Saturday evening in the spring which followed Knight's departure from England.

"Good old Brandy! you lead off with one of the Marigold girls, while I stop here and do the how-d'ye-do's." The doctor, with a serious face, led His Grace aside. "This appears to be a freak of the two young people," said he. "They are the only members of the family at home. I am very sorry you have been victimised."

They were packed with yellow-clad and helmeted soldiers, who were as noisy about their entrance as the great ships were silent. Tommy, coming into harbour at the end of a voyage, had a habit of announcing his approach. So, when we on the land heard over the water shouting, singing, genial oaths, "How-d'ye-do's," and "What-ho's"; and such advices as "Cheerioh! The Cheshires are here!"