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Updated: August 17, 2024

We have in England instances in the kingfisher, some woodpeckers, the jay, magpie, crow, and many small dull- coloured birds, such as the hedge-warbler or kitty-wren. But the similarity in plumage between the young and the old is never complete, and graduates away into dissimilarity. Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. i. pp. 222, 228. Audubon, 'Ornith.

The European species apparently manifests some tendency towards a similar instinct, but not rarely departs from it, as is shown by her laying her dull and pale-coloured eggs in the nest of the hedge-warbler with bright greenish-blue eggs. Had our cuckoo invariably displayed the above instinct, it would assuredly have been added to those which it is assumed must all have been acquired together.

"It has no true claim to be a Christian Church at all," said the general; "it is like the cuckoo, which, hatched in the nest of the hedge-warbler, by degrees forces out the other fledglings, and usurps their place. So did paganism treat Christianity; although, fostered by God, the latter was enabled to exist, persecuted and oppressed as it was, and still to exert a benign influence in the world.

Hedge-warbler, young of the. Heel, small projection of, in the Aymara Indians. Hegt, M., on the development of the spurs in peacocks. Heliconidae, mimicry of, by other butterflies. Heliopathes, stridulation peculiar to the male. Heliothrix auriculata, young of. Helix pomatia, example of individual attachment in. Hellins, J., proportions of sexes of Lepidoptera reared by.

The best songster on the Pampas is a species of mocking-bird, called by the inhabitants calandria. Its song is powerful similar to that of the hedge-warbler. It only sings, however, during the spring; at other times its cry is harsh and inharmonious. They frequent the neighbourhood of houses; and will boldly peck at the meat which is hung up on the posts or walls to dry.

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