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Updated: August 20, 2024

In our break, instead of the Weiners, there were three students from Munich, they were awfully nice, and we sang all the songs we knew; especially "Hoch vom Dachstein, wo der Aar nur haust," and "Forelle" and "Wo mein Schatz ist," were lovely, and the people in two different breaks sang together. And then some of them sang some Alpine songs and yodelled till the hills echoed.

He then added a few drops of chloric ether and ammonia, and some lemon to a real square bottleful of aq. pur. haust., and put a label on it with superhuman evenness, on which was written "The Mixture one tablespoonful three times a day." Uncle Moses watched the preparation of this elixir vitae with the extremest satisfaction.

Bọðvarr spyrr Họtt, hverju þetta sætti; hann segir honum, at dýr eitt hafi þar komit tvá vetr í samt, mikit og ógurligt 'ok hefir vængi á bakinu ok flýgr þat jafnan; tvau haust hefir þat hingat vitjat ok gert mikinn skaða; á þat bíta ekki vápn, en kappar konungs koma ekki heim, þeir sem at eru einna mestir. Bọðvarr mælti: 'ekki er họllin svá vel skipuð, sem ek ætlaði, ef eitt dýr skal hér eyða ríki og konungsins. Họttr sagði: 'þat er ekki dýr, heldr er þat hit mesta trọll. kemr jólaaptann; þá, mælti konungr: ' vil ek, at menn kyrrir ok hljóðir í nótt, ok banna ek ọllum mínum mọnnum at ganga í nọkkurn háska við dýrit, en ferr eptir því sem auðnar; menn mína vil ek ekki missa. Allir heita hér góðu um, at gera eptir því, sem konungr bauð.

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