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I have, etc., F. ELOFF, Pr. Secretary. May 24. It was resolved that a dam be constructed on the President's farm 'Geduld' at a cost of £4,500, at the expense of the Treasury. The Public Works Department report that the road across the President's farm 'Geduld, estimated to cost £1,500, had actually cost £5,000. Mr.

"Die Menchen suchen und suchen, wollen immer was Besseres finden.... Gott geb' ihnen nur Geduld!" Men in the Gold Nugget were talking about some claims, staked and recorded in due form, but on which the statutory work had not been done. "What about 'em?" "They're jumpable at midnight." French Charlie invited the Boy to go along, but neither he nor the Colonel felt enthusiastic.

The pain of an unfulfilled wish is small in comparison with that of repentance; for the one stands in the presence of the vast open future, whilst the other has the irrevocable past closed behind it. Geduld, patientia, patience, especially the Spanish sufrimiento, is strongly connected with the notion of suffering.

"Wenn es eine Stutenleiter von Leiden giebt, so hat Israel die höchste Staffel erstiegen; wen die Dauer der Schmerzen und die Geduld, mit welcher sie ertragen werden, adeln, so nehmen es die Juden mit den Hochgeborenen aller Länder auf; wenn eine Literatur reich genannt wird, die wenige klassische Trauerspiele besitzt, welcher Platz gebührt dann einer Tragodie die anderthalb Jahrtausende wahrt, gedichtet und dargestellt von den Helden selber?"