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"What you got to do, you do," said Archer; "that's what you'rre always sayin'. Didn't you say you wanted it so's you could see that fellerr Blondel's house from the mountains? Therre it is," he said, nodding toward an old ring-net that stood near, "and it's some souveneerr too, 'cause it's been at the bottom of the old Rhine."

Therre was a picture of a fellerr in a kind of an arrmorr looking off the top of a towerr just like this I remember 'cause I marrked him up with a pencil so's he'd have a swallerr-tailed coat and a sunbonnet." Archer's education was certainly helping him greatly.

A fellerr in prison told me General Perrshing wants a lot of men with glass eyes to peel onions. Look out you don't trip on that root! Herre's anotherr. If you'rre under sixteen what part of the arrmy do they put you in? The infantry, of course. Herre's " "Never mind," laughed Tom. "Look where you're stepping."

They used to have watch towers and things 'cause I got kept in school once forr sayin' a poem wrong about a fellerr that was in a watch towerr on the Rhine. I bet this towerr had something to do with that old frontierr and I bet it was connected with that castle overr on shorre, too.

R-right! Now ye roll yer saw-timber inter the middle. R-right! An' on each side ye want a log to stand on. See? Wid yer 'guide-man' on top sthradlin' yer timberr, watchin' the chalk-line and doin' the pull-up, and the otherr fellerr in the pit lookin' afther the haul-down, ye'll be able to play a chune wid that there whip-saw that'll make the serryphims sick o' plain harps."

"I'll do the talking that's just the kind of stuff you'rre trying to put overr on President Wilson, too tryin' to make the otherr fellerr think he's licked and then making believe you'rre willing to be generous. Do you know shut up!" he shot at Tom by way of precaution. "Do you know wherre I think yourr sworrds and things arre? I think the English Tommies have got 'em.