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Updated: August 8, 2024

He encouraged the printers to double their output; he munificently assisted such undertakings as the first edition of Homer, edited by the famous scholars Demetrius Chalcondyles and Demetrius Cretensis, as well as other editions of the classics prepared by Poliziano, Marullus, and others.

I shall not draw my purse-strings for him. Every dog his day. Adieu, Messires, adieu, ancestor;" and he sauntered off whistling to his hawk and caressing it. His reverence looked ruefully after him. "Cretensis incidit in Cretensem," said he sorrowfully. "I thought I had him safe for a dozen masses.

DUPPA. A copy of the Historyes of Troy is exhibited in the Bodleian Library with the following superscription: 'Lefevre's Recuyell of the historyes of Troye. The first book printed in the English language. Issued by Caxton at Bruges about 1474. The Battle of the Frogs and Mice. The first edition was printed by Laonicus Cretensis, 1486. Mr. Coulson was a Senior Fellow of University College.

When my lord did this, and so fell into the trap he had laid for Holy Church, the good cure whispered to Gerard. "Cretensis incidit in Cretensem!" which I take to mean, "Diamond cut diamond." He then said with an obsequious air, "If that your lordship grudges Heaven full weight, you might set the hawk on your lacquey, and so save a pound."

Ialysus was, he said, one of their cities. Dictys Cretensis placed Phoenicians, not only in Ialysus, but in Camirus also. It is the conclusion of Kenrick that "the Phoenician settlement in Rhodes was the first which introduced civilisation among the primeval inhabitants, and that they maintained their ascendancy till the rise of the naval power of the Carians.

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