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Updated: August 4, 2024

Between it and its walk of gneiss occur veins of the minerals so characteristic of the locality, and for which it has become famous serpentine, asbestos, phlozopite, gurhofite pyrites, biotite, aragonite, dolomite, tremolite, and possibly others in lesser quantity. Serpentine.

The next outcrop observed was on the portage from the Nascaupee River. The rock, a biotite granite gneiss having a strike N. 82 degrees E. is much weathered and split by the action of the frost, and marked by pockets of quartz, usually four or five inches in width. Between this point and Lake Nipishish the underlying rock differs only in being more extremely crushed and foliated.

This young scientist, too, cherished loving thoughts about Angelina, thoughts of a more earthly and volcanic tinge; certain definite projects which made him forget, at times, his preoccupation with biotite, perlite, magnetite, anorthite, and pyroxene. "Denis," said Keith, in his usual pompous fashion. "Do put down that absurd tray and let people help themselves. Listen to me for a moment.

10 Schistose Limestone Same location as No. 9. A white rock having a peculiar mottled appearance due to the inclusions of decomposing biotite which project from the surrounding mass of calcite. There is some sericite present, also magnetite, resulting from the decomposition of the biotite.

The rock has probably been derived by dynamic metamorphism, from a coarse igneous rock like a gabbro. 7 Epidotic Sericitic Schist. Washkagama Lake. A fine grained compact gray rock, of aggregate structure, consisting chiefly of quartz, plagioclase and biotite, and the alteration products epidote and sericite.

2-Quartz Biotite Schist. Contact between above dike and amphibolite. A coarse black rock carrying magnetite and pyrites in considerable quantities. Under the microscope some of the biotite has a green coloration from decomposition and is surrounded by strong pleochroic halos. Small grains of secondary pyroxene are numerous. 3-Grand Lake.

A dark, compact rock, having a mottled appearance due to grains of plagioclase, and a green color in section. Minerals present are hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, pyroxene, quartz and the alteration products from the feldspar. The rock has been subjected to a strong crushing action, which has been resisted by only small portions of it.

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