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There are instances on record in which fear and other similar emotions have caused a sweating of blood, the expression "sweating blood" being not uncommon. Among the older writers, Ballonius, Marcolini, and Riedlin mention bloody sweat. The Ephemerides speaks of it in front of the hypochondrium.

Internal hernia through the diaphragm is mentioned by Cooper, Bowles, Fothergill, Monro, Ballonius, Derrecagiax, and Schmidt. Sir Astley Cooper mentioned a case of hernia ventriculi from external violence, wherein the diaphragm was lacerated without any fracture of the ribs.

In the older works, the following authors have reported cases of pregnancy before the appearance of menstruation: Ballonius, Vogel, Morgagni, the anatomist of the kidney, Schenck, Bartholinus, Bierling, Zacchias, Charleton, Mauriceau, Ephemerides, and Fabricius Hildanus.

Maisonneuve has seen an example in an individual in which, in place of the nasal appendix, there was a plane surface perforated by two small openings a little less than one mm. in diameter and three mm. apart. Exaggeration in volume of the nose is quite frequent. Ballonius speaks of a nose six times larger than ordinary.

In some cases the pulse is not apparent for many days before actual death, and there have been instances in which, although the pulse ceased for an extended period, the patient made an ultimate recovery. In reviewing the older literature we find that Ballonius mentions an instance in which the pulse was not apparent for fourteen days before complete asphyxia.