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In mass the inflorescence resembles sheets of flame, and individually the flowers are eminently beautiful, the bright orange-red petals contrasting brilliantly against the jet-black velvety calyx. Lamellicorn beetles were very rare, even Aphodius, and of Cetoniae I did not see one.

Firstly, in the North of Europe also, are found: Pteroloma Forstroemii Gyllh., Nebria arctica Dej. Secondly, such as have been hitherto found only in Siberia, though their number is but small: Cantharis annulata Fisch., Dermestes domesticus Gebl., Aphodius ursinus N., and A. maurus Gebl., and Leptura sibirica.

In Van Diemen's Land, however, I found four species of Onthophagus, two of Aphodius, and one of a third genus, very abundant under the dung of cows; yet these latter animals had been then introduced only thirty-three years.

The number of insects collected on the low land was very small; among them the Staphylinus erytrocephalus, also a native of New Holland; an Aphodius, scarcely to be distinguished from the limbatus Wiedem. of the Cape of Good Hope; an Elater of the species Monocrepis; of Oedemera, three varieties of the species Dytilus, to which belong the Dryops livida and lineata F.; two small varieties of Apate; Anthribus, Cossonnus, Lamia, Sphinx pungens, and a large Phasma.