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BOONE, DANIEL. Born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, February 11, 1735; settled at Holman's Ford, North Carolina, 1748; explored Kentucky, 1769-70; founded Boonesborough, 1775; moved to Missouri, 1795; died at Charette, Missouri, September 26, 1820.

Bengal Carey and Thomas appointed missionaries to Bengal The farewell at Leicester John Thomas, first medical missionary Carey's letter to his father The Company's "abominable monopoly" The voyage Carey's aspirations for world-wide missions Lands at Calcutta His description of Bengal in 1793 Contrast presented by Carey to Clive, Hastings, and Cornwallis The spiritual founder of an Indian Empire of Christian Britain Bengal and the famine of 1769-70 The Decennial Settlement declared permanent Effects on the landed classes Obstacles to Carey's work East India Company at its worst Hindooism and the Bengalees in 1793 Position of Hindoo women Missionary attempts before Carey's Ziegenbalg and Schwartz Kiernander and the chaplains Hindooised state of Anglo-Indian society and its reaction on England Guneshan Dass, the first caste Hindoo to visit England William Carey had no predecessor.

The Bengali and Hindi-speaking millions of the Ganges and the simpler aborigines of the hills had been devastated by the famine of 1769-70, which the Company's officials, who were powerless where they did not intensify it by interference with trade, confessed to have cut off from ten to twelve millions of human beings. Over three-fifths of the area the soil was left without a cultivator.

Francisco Garces, as well as Escalante, was of the Franciscan order, and this order, superseding the Jesuit, was making settlements, 1769-70, at San Diego and Monterey, as well as taking a prominent part in those already long established on the Rio Grande.