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I humbly and respectfully, but with full confidence, recommend it to my French readers. Charles Dickens. Tavistock-House, London, January 17th, 1857.

La cime redressée ombrageait le mur. Les Anglais avaient nettoyé des carrés sur son écorce pour y inscrire leurs noms avec le lieu de leur naissance, et Henri avait encore pu retrouver des témoignages lisibles de cette manie britannique, entre autres une inscription profondément tracée au feu et disant: 1756, 17th, January, W. Jones, Devon, pr. to Fanny Bell. Died.

C'est la première des vies de Burns qui ait été publiée. Elle avait paru dans The Monthly Magazine and British Register, for 1791, from January to June inclusive. Robert Héron avait connu Burns. Il mena lui même une vie misérable de besogne littéraire et de débauche, et finit par mourir de misère

On January 18, 1568, Don Carlos was seized and placed in close confinement. The Council of State condemned him to death, but before the sentence could be executed the prince died in an unknown manner. MONSIEUR DE SAVOIE. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, was born at Chambéry, July 8, 1528. He was an officer in the army of Charles V., and in 1557 won the battle of Saint-Quentin.

At the age of twenty he married Claude, daughter of Louis XII., and succeeded his father-in-law, January 1, 1515. His first act was to undertake the conquest of the French possessions in Italy which had been lost during the reign of Louis XII. He was successful and regained Milan with Lombardy.

When Corneille de Witt in January, 1672, had come to van Baerle, and, in the supposed secrecy of the drying-room, confided to his godson the state correspondence, Boxtel, telescope in hand, watched attentively all the movements. He saw the mysterious package pass from the hands of de Witt to those of van Baerle who enclosed it carefully in the drawer where he kept his best tulip bulbs.

Cet article est reproduit dans les OEuvres complètes de sir Walter Scott. Nous l'avons trouvé dans les Prose Works publiés par Baudry. FRANCIS JEFFREY. Review of «Reliques Robert Burns» in The Edinburgh Review October 1808, January 1809. Nous avons trouvé cet article dans le choix d'articles de la Revue d'