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Voir Société nouvelle, 1891. Voir Société nouvelle, 1894. Neue Zeit 1895, Erster Band. Der Klassenkampf in der deutschen Sozialdemokratie von dr. Hans Müller. Voyez les superbes pages sur les élections dans le roman de Georges Renard. La conversion d'André Savenay.

Relation, ap. Kluckhohn, Briefe Friederich des frommens, Erst Band, p. 215

A serious, mirthless band surrounds the armchair of the patriarch. The door opens and Daudet enters. Old Goncourt rises to greet him: "Eh bien! mon petit, ça va?" "Assez bien, mon Goncourt" is the reply.

Puis la foule des membres de la confrérie. Après c'est une autre band, d'autres houlettes, d'autres adeptes de la tempérance. Et derrière encore un nouveau cortége, peut-être encore un quatrième, ô Musique! Mais ce n'est point pour le vain plaisir de parader que se sont fondées les sociétés de tempérance.

After the death of Madame, her faithful friend withdrew more and more from the Court, into the seclusion and quiet of her little band of chosen friends, urged partly by her distaste for Court life and partly by her increasing ill-health.

Zola met Daudet at this time and has left us an attractive picture of him: "He was in the employ of a successful newspaper, he used to bring in his article, receive his remuneration, and disappear with the nonchalance of a young god, sunk in poetry, far from the petty cares of this world. He was living, I think, outside of the city, in a remote corner with other poets, a band of joyous Bohemians.