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The garnacha was a little larger than the cambaleo and could represent four plays and several autos and entremeses. The bojiganga represented as many as six comedias and a number of autos and entremeses, had some approach at regular costumes, and traveled on horseback. The farándula was composed of from ten to fifteen players, was well equipped and traveled with some ease.

It would seem that, on leaving the University about 1582, he became Secretary to the Marqués de las Navas and that for four or five years he led in Madrid a dissolute life, writing verses and frequenting the society of actors and of other young degenerates like himself and enjoying the favor of a young woman, Elena Osorio, whom he addressed in numberless poems as "Filis" and whom he calls "Dorotea" in his dramatic romance of the same name.

1-176 Redondillas 177-260 Romances. 261-296 Redondillas. 297-372 Romances. 373-704 Redondillas. 705-744 Décimas. 745-824 Redondillas. 825-914 Romances. The redondilla is composed of four verses of seven or eight syllables each, the first verse riming with the fourth and the second with the third.

=Debió ser=, must have been. =El obelisco del Dos de Mayo=, above an octagonal granite base of four steps, rises a grand sarcophagus, square in form, covered with inscriptions, coats of arms, and a bas-relief which represents the two Spanish officers killed on the second of May, 1808, in the defense of Artillery Park.