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Literary comparisons have been made occasionally and modern forms or equivalents for archaic words and expressions have been given, but usually these have been limited to words not found in the better class of dictionaries commonly used in the study of such works. The editor is especially indebted to Sr.

But to those who wish to study in these stories the growth of contemporary Spanish fiction, it is suggested that the authors be taken up in the order in which they are given in the Introduction. To the stories by Spanish authors have been added two by Spanish-American writers, the one a native of Costa Rica, the other of Chile. These stories are excellent and well worth reading.

Since an early date, however, the term has been applied to Spaniards returning to the native land after having made a fortune in the Americas.

He has been a journalist, and writer of essays and short stories of manners. He is now secretary of the Chilean legation at Rome, Italy. POR DON ARMANDO PALACIO VALD

There is constant repetition of common words and expressions, so that comparatively long lessons may be assigned and the pupil may be enabled to acquire an extensive knowledge of useful every-day Spanish and become familiar with the structure of the Spanish sentence at an earlier period than has been possible heretofore.

This work, which has probably been the most widely read of all Spanish novels since Don Quijote, marked the transition from romanticism to present-day realism in Spanish literature, as Flaubert's Madame Bovary did in French letters ten years later.

=Debió ser=, must have been. =El obelisco del Dos de Mayo=, above an octagonal granite base of four steps, rises a grand sarcophagus, square in form, covered with inscriptions, coats of arms, and a bas-relief which represents the two Spanish officers killed on the second of May, 1808, in the defense of Artillery Park.

As great difference exists in the usage of the Spanish punctuation marks at the present day, it has been thought advisable in this edition to adopt in some cases what might be called mixed punctuation, that is, when there is a question which is also an exclamation, attention is called to the fact by the use of the interrogation point before and the exclamation point after the phrase or sentence.

Before passing on to the modern school of realists, mention must be made of a writer whose influence has been far-reaching. This is B

In theory she has been a disciple of French naturalism, and some of her novels, particularly Los Pazos de Ulloa and La madre Naturaleza, have somewhat of the repulsive realism of Zola's work. At times she expresses a cold cynicism or a mocking flippancy which detracts from the usual charm of her writings.