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Dey vas come up und stand dere by de vindow under, und I hear dem talkin'. She cry, und say she vas sorry he vas kiss her like dot, und he say he is goin' vay, und dot is vot for he done it, und he don't come back no more, und she cry some more." "Did he say anything against his cousin at that time?"

"Questa vindow; vindow orizhinalle," he would say, meaning that the opening that he was pointing to was one of the original windows of the edifice. And then he would go on with a long sentence in the Neapolitan dialect, which was perfectly unintelligible from beginning to end. At length the exploration was ended, and the whole party ascended again to the surface of the ground.

I never done a job like this von before, gentlemen, but I vos hardt pushed for money, s'welp me I vos! "I left it till late last night because of these air raids... I vanted to be sure that ole Mac and 'is daughter should be asleep. I god in from the back of the louse, oi, oi, bot it vos dead easy! through the scollery vindow.

Even I titn't saw vhere it iss gone. Hmm! Hmm! I am sorry! "Undt dot door kit shtuck! Hmm! Undt dot vindow iss not right made. Hmm! "I tidn't vant to do dot you know? Hmm! I am sorry! Ach, mine Gott! she rice oop scaredt in t'e bedt, choost so!" Thus round and round. What to do for him I did not know!

No, it vas dot man dere I saw." "Where were you when you saw him?" "I vas by my room vere I sleep. It vas a wine growin' by der vindow up, so dey nefer see me, bot I seen dem all right. I seen heem kiss her und I seen her tell heem go vay, und push heem off, und she cry plenty." "Did you hear what he said to her?"

Another complained to the district attorney that the assistants of the latter, who had arrived at the scene of an asphyxiation before him, had bungled everything. "Ach, dose young men!" he exclaimed, wringing his hands "Dose young men, dey come here and dey opened der vindow and let out der gas and all mine evidence esgaped."

"'Vell, Maircus, said the old man, 'I cannod see any sunshine out der vindow, but dere's so much off id in your face dot you can sheep dot bill. 'Well, Sam, said I, 'if that's the case, I guess I will buy you that box of cigars." Another thing: Don't beef! There is a slight difference between the "grouch" and the "beef."

Und I seen heem stand und vaitin' minute by der door outside, und I get me low under dem little small flowers bushes Ballards is got by der door under dot vindow dere, und I seen heem, he goin' in, and yust dere is Mees Betty sittin', und he go quvick down on hees knees, und dere she yump lak she is scairt.

Mercedes laughed again, patting his broad shoulder with her white hand as though she petted a great, good-natured dog. Then her sparkling black eyes caught sight of something unexpected beyond, and, in an instant, grew hard with purpose. "Holy Mother! but eet 's true he ees here, señorita see yonder by de second vindow," she whispered fiercely.