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He looked like a poor rag doll that had been torn and battered in some wild carnival scrimmage and flung aside. There was not much in him not much fight, as he himself said. Not the sort to survive. Life was too strong too difficult for him. He bungled everything even an exam. It would be wiser, more consistent to let him drift.

Just what determining thing had happened to make her flight imperative, Benis could not guess. But he would not have been human if he had not blamed the other man. "The fool has bungled it!" he thought. "Lost control of his precious feelings, perhaps broken through said something frightened her." We may be sure that he cursed John in his heart very completely.

Perhaps the man had done some blundering thing when he had been examining it. She remembered hearing several clicks. She turned the handle again and again. There was no key in the keyhole, so he could not have bungled with the key. She was quite aghast at the embarrassment of the situation. "How CAN I get out without disturbing anyone, if I cannot open the door!" she said.

With stiff hands they tried to improvise a makeshift with a stick of birch and some string. "Don't know what you think," says the Colonel presently, "but I call this a desperate business we've undertaken." The Boy didn't trust himself to call it anything. With a bungled job they went lamely on.

We were drilled into shape and finally we came to take pleasure in doing things in the sharp brisk manner they required and in making as good a showing as possible everything was for the honour of the battalion, and woe betide any one who was slovenly in his dress or who bungled his marching.

He is the image of despair." "I am sure she was in earnest," the Duchess said. "When I asked her whether she should come on here she laughed a little nervously, and said perhaps or something of that sort." "The fool may have bungled it," Lady Carey said thoughtfully. "I will go back to him. There's that idiot of a partner of mine. I must go and pretend to have some supper."

The truth of the matter is, Rivers has been on a job and has bungled it fearfully, besides nearly getting himself arrested. The young woman's eyes twinkled. She liked anything with a spice of danger in it, and did not object to hear that she was expected to succeed where a mere masculine reporter had failed. The editor continued: 'Two young men are going across to England on the Caloric.

Unless they bungled it, there was a chance that they might escape when the pirates made their landing on the coast to refresh themselves and refit the ship. The mate on watch greeted them good-humoredly enough and bade them enter the cabin where the captain awaited them. Jack was all a-flutter again but he managed to imitate Joe's careless swagger.

When I remember that botanical lecture you once delivered, also some other matters, I am convinced that you are not devoid of imagination." After giving some further kind advice, he bade me good night, leaving me with a strangely unpleasant conviction in my mind that we had changed characters for the nonce, and that I had bungled as much in my new part as I had formerly done in my old.

I shall give an instance of this habit of interruption, and let the unhappy wight who has filled such an office as mine pity my woes. I was standing one morning on the stage drilling my "corps" as usual. One most refractory spirit, to whom but a few words were entrusted, and who bungled even those, I was endeavouring to train into something like his part. "Come now, Elsmore, try it again just so.