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Updated: August 4, 2024

Elitti is probably a scribal error. See above p. 103. Tallqvist, I. l. 38. See above, p. 254. To bewitch me. The witch. From which he suffers through the witches. The identification of the many herbs mentioned in the texts is as yet impossible. The subject awaits investigation at the hands of one versed in botanical lore. I.e., be ineffective. I.e., the gods presiding over the watches.

A favorite title of several gods, Bel, Sin, etc., that emphasizes their strength. Here the seeker for help inserts his name. Here the names of special deities are to be inserted. See above, Nusku, p. 220. See p. 67. A form of Nusku, according to Tallqvist, Assyr. Beschwör. p. 146. It would be more accurate to say a form of Ninib. See p. 92. See p. 91. King, Babylonian Magic, p. 3. Humanity.

The reference is to the formal lamentations on the occasion of the death of any one. The moon-god, having disappeared, is bewailed as though dead. I.e., under all conditions and at all times. The reading Nâru is not altogether certain, but probable. See Tallqvist, Assyr. Beschwör. pp. 131, 132, whose suggestion, however, that Nâru may be a female deity, is not acceptable.

King suggests that such tablets were hung up in the houses of the Babylonians whenever a plague broke out. One is reminded of the mezuzoth, the metallic or wooden cases, attached to the doorposts of their houses by the Jews, and which originally served a similar purpose. Tallqvist, Assyr. Beschwörungsserie Maklu, p. 115, suggests that the 'veiled bride' may be a name of some goddess of the night.

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