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'Tommy, b'y, says the cook, 'you cotched cold stowin' the jib in the squall day afore yesterday. I'll be givin' you a dose o' pain-killer an' pepper. So the cook give Tommy a wonderful dose o' pain-killer an' pepper an' put un t' bed. But 'twas not long afore Tommy had a pain in the back an' a burnin' headache.

"I ownly filt him jist move once, whin I kicked him wid me fut unknowns to me, as I wor sayin' about stowin' the cable." "Dead men don't move," replied the captain sharply, the hands round grinning at the boatswain's Irish bull. "Some of you idlers there, go down and fetch this stowaway up and let us see what he's made of."

Well, I thunk some more thinks just as punky as that, and then we settles it that I'm to hike over and take a squint, anyway. I gets him to give me a line on what kind of a looker the warden was, and he throws me a couple of tens for campaign expenses. I was just stowin' away the green stuff as I goes through the outside office, and Piddie's eyebrows go up.

"Good stowin's good stowin' all the same, an' there's a right an' a wrong way o' stowin' ballast even. If you'd ever seen four hundred ton o' iron set into the " "Hi!" With a yell from Manuel the work began again, and never stopped till the pen was empty.

So, while him and Tessie is enjoyin' themselves with the lady shirtwaist makers, I'm standin' behind the counter wearin' a braided jacket, givin' out check coupons, and stowin' away hats and top-coats for Master Reginald and other buddin' sports of the younger set.

To this remark the Indian vouchsafed no reply. "Well, well, Muster Okematan, it iss your own business; you will know best yourself. I will see to stowin' away my supper whatever." By the time supper was over, the moon had descended into a bank of black clouds on the horizon, and profound darkness brooded over land and water.

'E wuz a reg'lar grand Turk, 'e wuz. Blow me, if you'd 'a' knowed 'im from a bale of 'em, 'e wuz so wrapped up in 'em. 'E almost 'ad us 'ull down this time. The blighter made a bit of a row, and said as 'ow he just could n't 'elp stowin' aw'y every boat for T'iti." "He's a bally nut," said the surgeon. "I say, though, he did take me back to Sunday school."

"You're to dress and come on deck." "Eh?" says I. "Have we been U-boated or Zepped? All right; I'll be there in two minutes." And I finds Vee costumed businesslike in a middy blouse and khaki skirt, stowin' things away in a picnic hamper. "What's the plot of the piece?" I asks, yawny. "Auntie and Mr. Ellins haven't come back yet," says she. "It's after three o'clock. Something must have happened."

That lean, lank Gid Mackall seems to be as holler as a sassidge-skin. Even that wouldn't give room for all that he's stowin' away." "Harry Joslyn 's runnin' nose-and-nose with him. There ain't the width o' their forelocks difference. Harry's yelled for more beans at the same second that Gid has. In fact, not one of 'em has lagged.

Honest, I'm stowin' away so much that I never knew before that I'm thinkin' of wearin' a leather strap around my head, same's these strong boys wears 'em on their wrists. "Ah! w'at's the use?" says I. "Nobody's ever goin' to ask me what's four per cent of thoity thousand plunks, an' if I had that much I wouldn't farm it out for less'n six, anyway. And I don't see where this De Soto comes in.