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Evidently the auditors understood this also, for while some crouched to earth in undisguisable terror, others looked upward as if expecting an answer from the sky. Presently a savage, in a many-colored robe of feathers, stepped in front of the multitude, and uttered a few sentences. "It's a mighty quare providence that this miracle works ownly wan way," observed Father Higgins to Heller.

"Sure, it's ownly y'r say chris'nin', though it's pricious little av the say there is, be the same token, in this dirthy shoal wather alongside av us now." "But, it is salt for all that," said I, having had an opportunity of tasting it's flavour, my mouth being wide open when I got the ducking. "It is just like brine and even more nasty!"

"In case it may appear later on that you have received money at two separate and distinct times for doing the same piece of work." "Get oop!" yelled the driver. "It's ownly foolin' Oi wur." So the hack rolled on its way, with the happy freshmen smoking and singing, while the captive sophs ground their teeth and railed at the bitter luck.

"Why, trate them dock loompers to grog all round. They've worruked loike blue nayghurs; specially that l'adin' man av theirs, that chap there, see him, wid the big nose on his face? I'd loike to pipe all hands down in the cabin to splice the main-brace, if ownly the foorst mate were aboord," he repeated in a regretful tone.

"Begorrah," whispered Mick in my ear, in comment on this statement, "it wor jist loike the two Kilkenny cats, sure, who fought till thaire wor ownly theer tails lift, sure!" The commodore, however, took a graver view of the matter. "It must have been awfully sudden, Mr Osborne," he said; "and you think they were runaways or mutineers?" "I'm sure of it," replied `Number One' significantly.

Them fellers were ownly the stevedores, hired at saxpence the hour to load the ship; an' they wint off in a brace av shakes, as you must have sayn for y'rsilf, whin their job was done! No, me bhoy, them weren't the proper sort av shellbacks.

"Nothing, my lord; and, take my word for it, that horse is ownly jist run up for the sake of the betting; that's not his nathural position. Well, Pat, you may take the saddle off. Will your lordship see the mare out to-day?" "Not to-day, Grady. Let's see, what's the day she runs?" "The fifteenth of May, my lord.

"Begorra, ye've ownly to hammer at his chist an' body, me lad; an' ye'll finish him afore ye can say `Jack Robinson, an' it's no lie I'm tellin'!"

"Bedad, I don't ondercumstubble," he replied, taking off his cap and scratching his head reflectively, rather taken aback by my Latin quotation; "though if that haythen lingo manes soft sawder, by the powers I've got lashins av it! Howsomedevers, youngster, we naydn't argify the p'int; but if the foorst mate were ownly aboord, d'ye know what I'd loike to do?" "What?" I inquired.

"Sorry o' me knows, sorr, why them omahdawns is makin' all av that row a-hollerin'," said Tim, scratching his head as he always did when puzzled for the moment for an answer. "It's ownly Misther Gray-ham, sorr, an' Misther Wakes havin' a little bit of foon togither, an' settlin' their differses in a frindly way, loike, sorr." "Fighting, I suppose, eh?"