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I'm not here to protect every damned scalawag that tries to stowaway on my ship. I'm here to protect the owners, and I mean to do it. Now you get down that ladder, before we throw you down." I knew his words were final. From the bow I heard the creak of the anchor-chains as they were drawn on board, and from the engine-room the tinkle of bells. The ship was abandoning me.

"There's trouble enough, already." "Stowaway?" The Master advanced to the nearer cot. "Yes, sir. Perhaps not voluntarily so. You know how he was found." "Such oversight is inexcusable!" The Master leaned down and shook the man by the shoulder. "Come, now!" he demanded. "What's your name?"

It was not easy to persuade a captain to take a woman passenger aboard his ship, now that the German ambition was to sink a million tons a month, but she resolved again to go if she had to stowaway. First she would finish her affairs, make her will, and burn her letters.

"Have you seen anything has anyone touched you? Oh, I say, David, do speak! What is the matter?" The stowaway made signs again and pointed, striving once more to rise, but sinking back from utter exhaustion. "Point, then, if you can't speak," cried Mark. "If the ladies see you like this they will be frightened to death."

"That was it!" she cried. "It was on shipboard. I was standing by the railing one night and heard some one singing it in the steerage. I was just a little girl, but I've never forgotten that 'Savourneen deelish, nor the way he sang it." "Was it a man'?" asked Sandy, huskily. "No," she said, half frowning in her effort to remember; "it was a boy a stowaway, I think.

You didn't mention sailing on the Doraine." Mr. Percival, to the sailor: "Neither did you, Miss Clinton. You certainly are no more surprised than I am." "Why are you on board as a stowaway? Phil Morton told me you belong to an old Baltimore family and had all kinds of that is, you were quite well-off." Mr. Percival, to the sailor: "Please don't blush, Miss Clinton. I'm not the least bit sensitive.

"You proclaimed yourself a solitary voyager: and here, to the naked eye, are four of us." "And pray how can I help that? If, at the last moment, a couple of lunatics come rushing in " "They still leave Sheepshanks to be accounted for." Byfield began to irritate me. I turned to the stowaway. "Perhaps," said I, "Mr. Sheepshanks will explain." "I paid in advance," Mr.

While they were in a quandary, a white head popped above a gangway forward and a voice sang out: "I'll get you out of the hole for a consideration." "Who the deuce are you? Where did you spring from?" cried the skipper. "A stowaway, a flour-barrel. I'll parade as the dead man's substitute for ten dollars and a square meal."

"Must be a bloomin' stowaway," one of the men suggested. I grabbed at the idea, instantly. Perhaps And then, in a moment, I dismissed it. I remembered how that first thing had stepped over the rail into the sea. That matter could not be explained in such a manner. With regard to this, I was curious and anxious. I had seen nothing this time. What could the Second Mate have seen? I wondered.

She did not know what was the matter; she only knew that he was in trouble, and that she was siding with him against the rest. In the one moment their eyes met she sent him her full assurance of compassion and sympathy. It was the same message a little girl had sent years ago over a ship's railing to a wretched stowaway on the deck below.