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To pattern-darn the ground with the ornament upon it left in the plain material, perhaps not worked upon at all, is a very effective method of carrying out a design, see fig. 106 for example. Again it might very well be used for the conventional carrying out of draperies in the same way as in point couché rentré ou retiré.

Mais la solitude a aussi ses avantages et quand on voit du monde tous les jours, on peut bien passer la soiree chez soi. Si la petite femme etait seulement ici, ce serait parfait." "Mardi. "Petite femme cherie qui a ete gentille puisqu'elle a ecrit deux lettres. "Celle-ci est simplement pour te dire que mon repos a enfin produit son effet et que je suis rentre dans mon etat ordinaire.

The exception to this rule of direction is when the couching is taken along a stem or the narrow hem of a robe to form the border, or along a girdle, it then follows the direction of the band, this being evidently the most straightforward and satisfactory method to use for the purpose. Front. The point couché rentré ou retiré is an excellent method to use for working a raised bar.

C'est lorsque je rentre chez moi que je souffre de ne point t'avoir. "Quant a ma sante, elle va mieux. Je connais l'etat de mon systeme nerveux et l'effet que le chemin-de-fer lui produit. Aujourd'hui je n'en ai rien ressenti du tout. Quand je suis malade, la vibration et le mouvement des objets me font souffrir un peu." On the following Sunday:

Pachitch est rentré

That is why, in my twentieth year, I amused myself at the expense of Monsieur Petit-Radel and his chronological table; and that was why, the other day, at the Luxembourg, my young and irreverent friend... "Rentre en toi-meme, Octave, et cesse de te plaindre. June 6. It was the first Thursday in June.

For added strength, use might be made of a linen thread at the back, as in the point couché rentré ou retiré method that is discussed later. A gold thread outline gives a nice finish to laid work. If there is nothing in the way of an outline, and the pattern and ground are both covered with laid threads, the edges of the pattern are likely to look weak.

On y dejeune tres bien et pas cher; tu comprends que c'est pour les gens de lettres qui travaillent a la bibliotheque. Je rentre ici a six heures, et le soir je me promene un peu au jardin, ou sur l'eau; apres quoi j'ecris a la petite femme cherie et je me couche. Aujourd'hui, comme hier, j'ai etudie et decrit dix tableaux et dix planches.

This news was received with great joy and thankfulness in my family, where we had not been expected so soon, and where the sorrow for my absence was still so keen that my father wrote to my husband: "Chaque fois que je rentre je m'attends a la voir accourir au devant de moi et chaque desillusion est suivie de tristesse. Il n'est pas jusqu'au piano dont le mutisme me fait mal.

To his great surprise he could not detach himself from the causeuse. He then understood that he was the sport of a superior power. “Let us see,” he said to Roger. “What will you take to let me go? Do you wish me to prolong your life ten years?” “J’ai de bon tabac dans ma tabatière,” sang the great golfer. “Will you take twenty years?” “Il pleut, il pleut, bergère; Rentre tes blancs moutons.”