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"My friend," said he, "your promise to those Ministers of Marines was rash; for, unless there is the most perfect execution of your scheme and the most sleepless watching of those whom you call dockyard hands ceux qui travaillent dans les chantiers, ne c'est pas? the sailing of these grands croiseurs will be told to Germany. There are too many who will know.

On y dejeune tres bien et pas cher; tu comprends que c'est pour les gens de lettres qui travaillent a la bibliotheque. Je rentre ici a six heures, et le soir je me promene un peu au jardin, ou sur l'eau; apres quoi j'ecris a la petite femme cherie et je me couche. Aujourd'hui, comme hier, j'ai etudie et decrit dix tableaux et dix planches.

The manner in which they stood to their work was matter of great surprise and wonderment to the French countrypeople, who came crowding round them in their blouses, and, after gazing admiringly at their expert handling of the pick and mattock, and the immense loads ofdirtwhich they wheeled out, would exclaim to each other, “Mon Dieu, voila! voila ces Anglais, comme ils travaillent!”

Such an exhibition of physical power attracted many French gentlemen who came on to the cuttings at Paris and Rouen and looking at the English workmen with astonishment said Mon Dieu, les Anglais comme ils travaillent! Another thing that called forth remark was the complete silence that prevailed amongst the men.

All of which assertions being duly disproved, Jean was remanded to La Ferte for psychopathic observation and safe keeping on the technical charge of wearing an English officer's uniform. Jean's particular girl at La Ferte was "LOO-Loo." With Lulu it was the same as with les princesses in Paris "me no travaille, jam-MAIS. Les femmes travaillent, geev Jean mun-ee, sees, sees-tee, see-cent francs.

La France s'appauvrit parce qu'elle perd en impots improductifs une partie de son epargne, parce que ses fils travaillent moins, depensent plus et boivent davantage, parce qu'ils demandent des salaires trop eleves, et parce que la concurrence allemande, americaine, italienne, anglaise, nous ferme peu a peu tous les marches, et enfin parce que le phylloxera ruine la moitie du pays.