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Congreve had a certain soundness of mind; of capacity, in the sense intended by Landor, he had little. Judging him by his wit, he performed some happy thrusts, and taking it for genuine, it is a surface wit, neither rising from a depth nor flowing from a spring. 'On voit qu'il se travaille e dire de bons mots.

A Paris ou notre existence materielle etait pleine d'ennuis, j'etais pourtant heureux. Il ne faut pas de ton cote etre triste parce que je le suis, du moins si tu peux l'eviter. C'est une affaire de deux ou trois semaines, voila tout. De mon cote je suis si occupe que je n'ai pas le temps de penser a moi- meme, et je travaille avec la regularite d'un homme de bureau.

Femme travaille, fait la noce, tout le temps. Toujours avec officiers anglais. Gagne beaucoup, cent franc, deux cent franc, trois cent franc, toutes les nuits. Anglais riches. Femme me donne tout. Moi no travailler. Bon, eh?" Grateful for this little piece of information, and with his leer an inch from my chin, I answered slowly and calmly that it certainly was.

The critical moment in Cézanne's life if in such a life one moment may without impertinence be thought more critical than another must have come somewhere about 1870. M. Vollard once asked him what he did during the war. "Ecoutez un peu, monsieur Vollard! Pendant la guerre j'ai beaucoup travaillé sur le motif

Congreve had a certain soundness of mind; of capacity, in the sense intended by Landor, he had little. Judging him by his wit, he performed some happy thrusts, and taking it for genuine, it is a surface wit, neither rising from a depth nor flowing from a spring. 'On voit qu'il se travaille a dire de bons mots.

Of the piety and expression of the French hymns, Foinard, an ardent apostle of the French liturgical novelties, wrote: "Il ne parait pas que ce soit l'onction qui domine dans les nouveaux Breviaries; on y a la verite, travaille beaucoup pour l'esprit; mais il semole qu' on n'y a pas travaille autant pour le coeur."

To the rear was another guard of warriors. Lagging in ragged lines far back came a ragamuffin brigade, the women, children, and dogs squaws astride cayuses lean as barrel hoops, children in moss bags on their mothers' backs, and horses and dogs alike harnessed with the travaille two sticks tied into a triangle, with the shafts fastened to a cinch on horse or dog.

All of which assertions being duly disproved, Jean was remanded to La Ferte for psychopathic observation and safe keeping on the technical charge of wearing an English officer's uniform. Jean's particular girl at La Ferte was "LOO-Loo." With Lulu it was the same as with les princesses in Paris "me no travaille, jam-MAIS. Les femmes travaillent, geev Jean mun-ee, sees, sees-tee, see-cent francs.

"Les grands Dieux savent seuls si l'ame est immortelle, Mais le juste travaille a leur oeuvre eternelle." My birthplace. My father and mother. Circumstances of their marriage. Their short married life. Birth of their child. Death of my mother. Her character and habits. My father as a widower. Dulness of his life. Its degradation.

Du reste j'ai fait trois planches que je crois bonnes; j'y ai bien travaille; j'ai aussi ecrit trois articles, mais mon travail pour la Revue ne gagne pas grand'chose, et du moment ou la peinture rapportera, je quitterai la revue; je n'aime pas ce genre de travail, quoiqu'on dise que je le fais bien. J'aimerais autant etre cocher de fiacre.