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'Does not that, she said, 'include the non-commissioned officers, the privates, and the cooks, of all the regiments? He could scarcely think that, but thought it provoking the French had no distinctive working title corresponding to gentlemen, and suggested 'Messieurs les Officiers': which might, Mrs. Culling assured him, comprise the barbers.

"Soldats, officiers, généraux, Chacun en ce jour fut héros. Aisément cela se peut croire. Montcalm, comme défunt Annibal, S'montroit soldat et général. S é! sil y avoit quelqu'un qui ne l'aimit point!" "Je veux être un chien;

Some infernal machine might have been missed in the search and nothing was to be trusted no, not even a bit of innocent-looking lead pencil. They were trenches made to live in, these! They had been walled with stones from ruined farmhouses. The "dug-outs" were super-dug-outs. We saw concealed cupolas for machine-guns, and "les officiers boches" had had a neat system of douches.

"Je m'en aperçois, messieurs les officiers," answered our fair enchantress, as she hurried off to repeat our order in the kitchen, while a crowd of predatory officers glared murder at us when they found we did not intend to leave our places so soon. "Some fellows are pigs," murmured one. "That was splendid," said Baker when we started off on our homeward walk.

"Colonel Dellahousse told me 'a driver'; he did not add that the driver was a lady. Where have they put you? Not in the cubicles of the officiers de passage? No, no, that must be changed, that won't do. Come, you shall sleep in the room next to the bishop's room, as he is absent. It is in my corridor." Fanny followed him, and noticed that the corridor was now clear of soldiers.

"The Sister Superior has sent me to you," she said, "because I am the only one here who can speak French.... Messieurs les officiers, welcome." She said it quite simply, and stood quite straight in her black dress, her arms hanging beside her. She might have been a picture of other days, an illuminated figure from a missal.

This must serve as an apology for the arrangement of crimes and punishments in the scale under our consideration. A different one would be formed here; and still different ones in Italy, Turkey, China, &c. 'Les officiers Americains, &c. to page 264, 'qui le méritoient. I would propose to new-model this section in the following manner, 1.

Royson and he chatted together while the goods were being exchanged, and, in the end, the polite Frenchman invited messieurs les officiers to dine with him, and visit the Palais de Glace, where some daring young lady was announced to do things in a motor-car, which, in England, are only attempted by motor omnibuses.

"being then a stranger to the people, and unacquainted with the language, was at first prevailed on to make some such agreements, when all were recommended, as they always are, as officiers expérimentés, braves comme leurs épées, pleins de courage, de talent, et de zêle pour notre cause, etc., etc.; in short, mere Cæsars, each of whom would have been an invaluable acquisition to America.

The colonel read the newspapers because there was little else to do in Bastia, and the local gossip "on tap," as it were, at the cafes and the "Reunion des Officiers," had but a limited interest for him.