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"Je fais mon lit et mon menage; I seek my dinner in a restaurant; my supper takes care, of itself; I pass days laborious and loveless; nights long and lonely; I am ferocious, and bearded and monkish; and nothing now living in this world loves me, except some old hearts worn like my own, and some few beings, impoverished, suffering, poor in purse and in spirit, whom the kingdoms of this world own not, but to whom a will and testament not to be disputed has bequeathed the kingdom of heaven."

Austin, knee-deep in a dozen Sunday supplements, refused to stir; poor little Eileen was now convalescent from grippe, but still unsteady on her legs; her maid had taken the grippe, and now moaned all day: "Mon dieu! Mon dieu! Che fais mourir!" Boots Lansing called to see Eileen, but she wouldn't come down, saying her nose was too pink.

If not sweetmeats, then a dirty ice. And Kitty's the same if not Vronsky, then Levin. And she envies me, and hates me. And we all hate each other. I Kitty, Kitty me. Yes, that's the truth. 'Tiutkin, coiffeur. Je me fais coiffer par Tiutkin.... I'll tell him that when he comes," she thought and smiled. But the same instant she remembered that she had no one now to tell anything amusing to.

I dined last night with the Chancellor, and found both him and the Home Secretary deep in 'Endymion. Everybody abuses it more or less, but everybody reads it, so the abuse does not go for much. Such is the strength of party feeling. From the Duc d'Aumale Chantilly, 2 decembre. Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Je me fais une fete de vous revoir.

I may add, that Elizabeth Island, in the southern part of the Low Archipelago, which seems to have had the same kind of origin as Fais, lies near Pitcairn Island, the only one in this part of the ocean which is high, and at the same time not surrounded by an encircling barrier-reef.

Our two friends had much difficulty in finding seats, and had to be content with a place behind a pillar whence they could see only half of the platform, then occupied by a superb person in black coat and yellow gloves, curled and waxed and oiled, who was singing in a vibrating voice Mes beaux lions aux crins dores, Du sang des troupeaux alteres, Halte la! Je fais sentinello!

FAIS Island is ninety feet high, and is surrounded, as I have been informed by Admiral Lutke, by a narrow reef of living coral, of which the broadest part, as represented in the charts, is only 150 yards; coloured red. PHILIP Island., I believe, is low; but Hunter, in his "Historical Journal," gives no clear account of it; uncoloured.

Garde-toi de la, Frederic; si non, je t'envoie a Botani Bay; je te traduis devant le Lord Mare!" "En Angleterre je me fais Anglais, vois-tu, mon ami," continued the Prince. "Demain c'est Sunday, et tu vas voir! I hear the bell, dress thyself for the dinner my friend!"; Here there was another squeeze of both hands from the good-natured fellow. "It do good to my art to ave you in my ouse! Heuh!"

It chanced that Rodier was the first to step out of the machine. As the burly, bearded, white-clad figure of Herr Schwankmacher cantered heavily toward him, he lifted his cap, and with that sunny smile which had accompanied him through life, he said "Monsieur, je vous fais mille excuses. Voudriez-vou bien me dire ou l'on puisse obtenir de la pétrole." "Sapperment!" cried the infuriated German.

Elise meanwhile laid aside her charcoal, began to dash in some paint, drew back presently to look at it from a distance, and then, glancing aside, suddenly threw down her brushes, and ran up to David. She sat down beside him, and with a coaxing, childish gesture, drew his arm about her. 'Tu me fais pitie, mon ami! she said, looking up into his face. 'Is it your sister?