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Yes, as now I look back at things, I remember that I felt greatly depressed, despite the absurd gigglings of the egregious Blanche. "What is the matter with you? How dull you are!" she cried at length as she interrupted her laughter to take me seriously to task. "Come, come! We are going to spend your two hundred thousand francs for you, et tu seras heureux comme un petit roi.

"Nous sommes si heureux de vous avoir ici, chere Aunt Maria," answered Isobel, falteringly. "Aunt Marie, my dear. I have forsaken the good name that was given to me in baptism. One must keep apace with the times, and though Maria might be good enough for my greatgrandmother, my parents did not foresee that it was scarcely suitable for me!" The purple folds swelled visibly.

J'aurais ete, en effet, fort heureux de pouvoir causer avec vous de toutes les graves questions qui se posent aujourd'hui devant nous, tant a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur.

Je me rappelle que, lorsque je le presentai au Ministre du Commerce, il fit cette spirituelle repartie: 'C'est la seconde fois que je viens en France sous la Republique. La premiere fois, c'etait en 1848, elle s'etait coiffee de travers: je suis bien heureux de saluer aujourd'hui votre excellence, quand elle a mis son chapeau droit. Une fois je le menai voir couronner la Rosiere de Nanterre.

Je deviens par trop dependant de toi, je voudrais etre plus fort et pourtant je crois qu'on est plus heureux etant triste a cause d'une separation d'avec la femme aimee que si l'on etait insensible a cette separation. Allons! je ne voudrais pas vendre ma tristesse pour beaucoup! elle s'en ira le jour ou je te verrai; en attendant je la garde volontiers."

The beautiful, but exceedingly improper picture at Hertford House, called The Swing or in French, Les Hazards heureux de l'Escarpolette, appears to have been commissioned by the Baron de St. Julien, within the next year or two, for in the memoirs of Cotté a conversation is recorded which shows that the Baron had asked another painter, Doyen, to paint it.

Can it be!" said Etienne, interrupting himself. "Yes, it is the sound of a post-horn." "Perhaps it is some of our guests," suggested Madame Etienne. "No no, for our postilions to-day play but one air, 'Je suis pere, un pere heureux," said Monsieur Etienne, listening with all his might to the approaching horn. "It is a passenger," said he, despondingly, "Athanasia, my angel, we are lost!"

'M. de Vauversin Madame Fontaine et M. Robinet Les plongeurs a cheval Le Mari mecontent Tais-toi, gamin Mon voisin l'original Heureux comme ca Comme on est trompe. They made a stage at one end of the salle-a-manger. And what a sight it was to see M. de Vauversin, with a cigarette in his mouth, twanging a guitar, and following Mademoiselle Ferrario's eyes with the obedient, kindly look of a dog!

M. Cousin justly appreciates her character asun heureux mélange de raison, d’esprit, d’agrément, et de bonté;” and perhaps there are few better specimens of the woman who is extreme in nothing but sympathetic in all things; who affects us by no special quality, but by her entire being; whose nature has no tons criards, but is like those textures which, from their harmonious blending of all colors, give repose to the eye, and do not weary us though we see them every day.

Believe me ever, Your obliged, HORATIO NELSON. To Sir James Saumarez. I hope Lady S. and all the little ones are well. Secret, for Sir James. Six of the prizes sailed yesterday with Sir James Saumarez; three others, viz. Guerrier, Heureux, and Mercure are in the act of repairing. In this state I received last evening Earl St. Vincent's most secret orders, and most secret and confidential letters.