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But it is her son, the victor of Hastings, who is now the object of our attention; and no one, who appreciates the influence of England and her empire upon the destinies of the world, will ever rank that victory as one of secondary importance.

This has been accepted not only as an indemnity for a wrong done, but as a most gratifying evidence that the Government of Chile rightly appreciates the disposition of this Government to act in a spirit of the most absolute fairness and friendliness in our intercourse with that brave people.

Because there are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehended; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, the third is useless.

Leu, since her residence in Arenemberg; and the grand council having afterwards, by its unanimous vote of the 14th of April, sanctioned this award, and decreed unanimously to his highness the right of honorary burghership of the canton, with the desire of proving how highly it honors the generous character of this family, and how highly it appreciates the preference they have shown for the canton; declares that his highness, Prince Louis Napoleon, son of the Duke and Duchess of St.

Oh, you needn't to grin like a chessy cat! If it wasn't for me watching out and keeping an eye on our diet I'm the only member of this family that appreciates the value of oatmeal for breakfast. She stooped over her story while he piously sliced and gulped down the apple, discoursing: "One thing I've done: cut down my smoking. "Had kind of a run-in with Graff in the office.

That he appreciates the work done by Americans in the opening up of China is evidenced by a statement made in his address at the Waldorf Astoria, in February, 1906, in which he said: "We take pleasure this evening in bearing testimony to the part taken by American missionaries in promoting the progress of the Chinese people.

You may be sure that he often remembers you in his prayers in the holy Shrines; and he deeply appreciates the consecrated spirit with which you are serving the interests of the Faith in Germany and Austria, and in the virgin territories allotted to your care.

"How romantic! The young wife, whose hero-husband is winning glory amid the perils of war and pestilence, pours her griefs, joys and anticipations into the bosom of the young mother, who appreciates and reciprocates all, because she has a son exposed to the same perils and both beautiful as the morning! A charming picture!

Edinburgh has reared great men prolifically and supplied the world with them, and kept always a good number back for itself to give a shaping to others the world needed. Its prestige is great in the production of such intellects. But it keeps up with the times. It is faithful to its antecedents, and appreciates them at their full value and obligation.

Here, surely, we have an instance of an organ preformed, ready beforehand for such action as could never by itself have been the cause of its development, the action having only been subsequent, not anterior. And this is not all. There is no reason to suppose that any animal besides man appreciates musical harmony. It is certain that no other one produces it. Mr.