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"The pestilence originated in the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagittarius, on the 10th of last October, and the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the same sign, on the 12th of November.

The barbarians without, the pestilence within, decimate his subjects, the hostile gods seem to mock his goodness, and the simple people who look up to him as their tutelary power wonder hopelessly why he cannot save them. And thus on all sides the incapacity of the world to right itself is made clearer and clearer.

"The Spaniard has been my least enemy; more cruel than arms, a pestilence has risen among us; no funeral is without another; the dying never perish by a single death. "Fortune! why do'st thou hesitate? By what reward do'st thou detain the manes mingled in blood? "Who, dying, will, after the destruction of the enemy, occupy these tombs? This is enquired. The contest is only for sterile dust."

Through this atmosphere of darkness and death, along these paths of pestilence and famine; unregarding and unregarded, the Pagan and his prisoner passed slowly onward towards the quarter of the city opposite the Pincian Mount. No ray of thought, even yet, brightened the dull faculties of Ulpius; still he walked forward vacantly, and still he was followed wearily by the fast-failing girl.

They were the unparalyzed Ministers of the occasion, but helpless. And now came war, the purifier and the pestilence. The cry of the English people for war was pretty general, as far as the criers went.

But the wall of separation he had built up between wealth and poverty had not stood the strain; Deadly Pestilence, Triumphant Hatred and sharp-toothed Revenge had clumb over and attacked him with their sharp fangs, him and his wife, and they had to bear it.

I tell you, youth, her nurse fell death-stricken on the threshold of that fatal chamber. Know ye not that never came such a curse to our shores as this lovely Lady Eleanore, that her breath has filled the air with poison, that she has shaken pestilence and death upon the land from the folds of her accursed mantle?" "Let me look upon her," rejoined the mad youth, more wildly.

She stood, her eyes now suffused with tears, but smiling still; the panic in her father's house, the comment of cruel tongues, the fight with death, the pestilence that walks in darkness these were all forgotten in the transport of her soul. She had chosen her Gethsemane long ago, and this was its harvest time. Angus' eyes drank deeply from the spring.

In the assembly for the election of consuls, over which Camillus presided there were elected Marcus Aemilius, a patrician, and Lucius Sextius, the first plebeian ever elected consul. This was the result of Camillus's administration. XLIII. In the following year a pestilence broke out in Rome which destroyed enormous numbers of people, and among them most of the leading men.

Its object as stated by its constitution is "to organize a system of national relief and apply the same in mitigating suffering caused by war, pestilence, famine and other calamities." Since then, every such occasion has found the society in the forefront of relief work, and it has distributed many millions in assuaging human suffering.