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An' does it say pap-pah an' mam-mah, I dinnaw?" "No," said Mr. Hennessy, "th' pap-pah an' mam-mah dolls costs too much." "Well," continued Mr. Dooley, "we can't have ivrything we want in this wurruld. If I had me way, I'd buy goold watches an' chains f'r ivrybody in th' r-road, an' a few iv th' good Germans. I feel that gin'rous. But 'tis no use. Ye can't give what ye want.

Pether Bowbeen down be th' Frinch church is formin' th' Circle Francaize Anglo-Saxon club, an' me ol' frind Dominigo that used to boss th' Ar-rchey R-road wagon whin Callaghan had th' sthreet conthract will march at th' head iv th' Dago Anglo-Saxons whin th' time comes.

Worthington found himself whatever it was must be a very desperate one. He half rose in his chair, sat down again, and lighted another match. "Er director in the Truro Road, hain't you, Mr. Worthington?" asked Jethro, without looking at him. "Yes." "Er principal stockholder ain't you?" "Yes but that is neither here nor there, sir." "Road don't pay r-road don't pay, does it?"

Ye niver hear iv thim on'y whin they die; an' thin, murther, what funerals they have! "Well, this Clancy wint on th' fire departmint, an' they give him a place in thruck twinty-three. All th' r-road was proud iv him, an' faith he was proud iv himsilf. He r-rode free on th' sthreet ca-ars, an' was th' champeen hand-ball player f'r miles around.

Poor sowl, she's dead now. May she rest in peace! "He didn't git th' shtreak fr'm his father or fr'm his mother. His brothers an' sisters was as fine a lot as iver lived. But this la-ad Petey Scanlan growed up fr'm bein' a curly-haired angel f'r to be th' toughest villyun in th' r-road. What was it at all, at all? Sometimes I think they'se poison in th' life iv a big city.

Thim that takes two goes on th' comity iv th' wave iv rayform. "It sthruck th' r-road las' week. Darcey, th' new polisman on th' bate, comes in here ivry night f'r to study spellin' an' figgers. I think they'll throw him down, whin he goes to be examined. Wan iv th' wild la-ads down be th' slough hit him with a brick wanst, an' he ain't been able to do fractions since.

We was betther off than most, an' we suffered our share, Gawd knows; but thim that was scrapin' th' sod f'r a bare livin' fr'm day to day perished like th' cattle in th' field. "Thin come th' writs an' th' evictions. Th' bailiffs dhrove out in squads, seizin' cattle an' turnin' people into th' r-road. Nawthin' wud soften th' hear-rt iv Dorsey.

Worthington found himself whatever it was must be a very desperate one. He half rose in his chair, sat down again, and lighted another match. "Er director in the Truro Road, hain't you, Mr. Worthington?" asked Jethro, without looking at him. "Yes." "Er principal stockholder ain't you?" "Yes but that is neither here nor there, sir." "Road don't pay r-road don't pay, does it?"

"They was a man be th' name iv Daheny, Jawn, a cousin iv th' wan ye know, that started to walk up th' r-road fr'm th' bridge. Befure he got to Halsthed Sthreet, his shoes was on fire. He turned in an alarm; but th' fire departmint was all down on Mitchigan Avnoo, puttin' out th' lake, an'" "Putting out what?" demanded Mr. McKenna. "Puttin' out th' lake," replied Mr. Dooley, stolidly.

O'Brien disappeared fr'm th' r-road durin' th' fire, he had some property on th' South Side, an' wasn't seen or heerd tell iv f'r a day. Th' nex' mornin' th' rayport come in that he was seen walkin' over th' red bridge with a baby in his arms.