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Miss Brune wuz Brer B'ar's ole 'oman, en Miss Brindle wuz his gal. Dat w'at dey call um in dem days. So den Brer Rabbit, he ax him howdy, he did, en Brer B'ar, he 'spon' dat he wuz mighty po'ly, en dey amble 'long, dey did, sorter familious like, but Brer Rabbit, he keep one eye on Brer B'ar, en Brer B'ar, he study how he gwine nab Brer Rabbit.

She's undertook mo'n her share an' is s'portin' too many people." "Kern, you means well," said Aun' Sheba with dignity, "but you mus' not 'fleet on young Missy. She am de las' one in de worl' to let a body s'port her while she fol' her han's. She's po'ly too, jes' kase she's a workin' harde'n me."

"She feelin' mighty po'ly dis evenin'. What might be yo' name?" She was promptly told. "Sis' Jane, hyeah one de good brothahs come to see you to offah his suvices if you need anything." "Thanky, brothah, charity," said the weak voice, "sit yo'se'f down. You set down, Aunt Dicey. Tain't no use a runnin' roun' waitin' on me. I ain't long fu' dis worl' nohow, mistah."

I's be'n wukkin' my roots sence you be'n gone, en I 'lows mos' lackly I kin git Sis' Becky back, but it 's gwine take fig'rin' en studyin' ez well ez cunj'in'. De fus' thing ter do'll be ter stop fetchin' dat pickaninny down heah, en not sen' 'im ter see his mammy no mo'. Ef he gits too po'ly, you lemme know, en I'll gib you some kin' er mixtry fer ter make 'im fergit Sis' Becky fer a week er so.

Yassir, when I heerd from Miss Sally I done comed here to tek cyar ob her." "How is your mistress?" I asked. "She po'ly, Marse Dave," said Lindy, and paused for adequate words. I took note of this darky who, faithful to a family, had come hither to share her mistress's exile and obscurity. Lindy was spare, energetic, forceful and, I imagined, a discreet guardian indeed for the unfortunate.

W'en she did, she crep' up ter de house des ez pale ez a ghos'. En fer a mont' er so she crawled roun' de house, en 'peared ter be so po'ly dat Mars' Dugal' sont fer a doctor; en de doctor kep' on axin' her questions 'tel he foun' she wuz des pinin' erway fer Jeff. "Wen he tol' Mars' Dugal', Mars' Dugal' lafft, en said he 'd fix dat.

Her religion was work: "Hit's nature's remedy," she would add "wuck and five draps o' turpentine if you're feelin' po'ly." She despised her husband's ways and thought little of his religion. Her tongue was frightful her temper worse. Her mission on earth aside from work work work was to see that too much peace and good will did not abide long in the same place.

As a result of this agreement, the old man went down to Jim's cabin on a night when that interesting sinner was suffering particularly from his rheumatic pains. "Well, Jim," the preacher said, "how you come on?" "Po'ly, po'ly," said Jim, "I des' plum' racked an' 'stracted f'om haid to foot." "Uh, huh, hit do seem lak to me de Bible don' tell nuffin' else but de trufe."

Straightway the girl went into the house co help her step-mother with dinner, but the old woman told her she "reckoned she needn't start in yit" adding in the querulous tone June knew so well: "I've been mighty po'ly, an' thar'll be a mighty lot fer you to do now." So with this direful prophecy in her ears the girl hesitated. The old woman looked at her closely.

Kern took up his little daughter, and began to walk in the yard and sing as usual. "Well," ejaculated Aun' Sheba, "Missy Mara's call yis-tidy 'lieve my min' po'ful. I'se couldn't tromp de streets wid a basket now nohow. Missy Mara say she won' begin bakin' till I'm ready. She look too po'ly to tink ob it hersef. Lor! what a narrow graze she an de res ob dem hab! No won'er she all broken up.