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"Softly stroking back my hair over this bruised temple, old Sarah says: "'Suah some one struck yo' powerful hard! P'raps dis yere purty chile 'fused his offah an' he fro' her in the ribbah. "In semi-conscious stupor and with faint sense of the meaning of this talk, I dozed on.

I appwoach you, quite civilly, y' know, with an offah decidedly to youah ahdvahntage, Mistah ah Tomlinson, and you tweat it " "Thompson!! By Heavens, you say Tomlinson again and I'll pound your face into shape!" roared the misnamed one, jumping up. Mitchell and Loring vainly tried to quiet him. "Weally, I shall be obwiged to wefeh you to my lawyehs " Wyatt began.

"I meant the human kind," explained Kid Wolf mildly. Major Stover's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What do yuh want with me?" he demanded. "Did yo' offah ten thousand dollahs fo' the S Bar Ranch?" "That is none of yore business!" "No?" drawled Kid Wolf patiently. "Yo' might say that I am heah as Mrs. Thomas' agent." The major looked startled.

Bisbee had told me about her nevah having good times like othah girls. She said she'd nevah had any attention, and nevah been to a big pah'ty. I thought I'd like to give her one on the twenty-second, because I could offah her a costume then without hurting her feelings. I was suah that you and Miss Allison could suggest something moah than I had thought of. I don't know exactly how to begin.

"I was just goin' to offah yo' a chance to come back to the S Bar," explained Kid Wolf. "These three caballeros have already signed the pay roll again." It was putting up the issue squarely, with no hedging. Both Stacy and Mullhall darkened with fury. "What's yore little game? I guess it's about time to put an extra spoke in yore wheel!" snarled Mullhall, coming forward.

"I can sympathize with you," said Jack. During the morning Percival saw Bucephalus alone, and said to him, holding one hand behind his back: "Was it your idea to keep guard last night, Buck?" "No, sah, Ah was ready to do it, 'cause young Mistah Smith done offah me a dollah fo' de service, but de doctah done intimate dat he t'ought it would be judicious."

I put on my stiff look, and said, 'Countess, with every desiah to oblige you, I must decline to cawwy that offah to a man of genius, learning, and weputation, who has the ball at his feet in London." "Lord forgive you, Lady Cicely." "Lord bless her for standing up for my Christie."

"The second squandahed her warp of gold first on one, then anothah, weaving mantles for any one who happened to take her fancy a shepherd boy and a troubador, a student and a knight. When her prince rode by she had nothing left to offah him, so she missed her life's happiness.

"Where's yore credentials?" he snapped, after a brief pause. Kid Wolf merely smiled and tapped the butts of his six-guns. "Heah, sah," he murmured. "I'm askin' yo'." Major Stover looked angry. "Yes," he said sharply, "I did at one time make such an offer. However, I have reconsidered. My price is now three thousand dollars." "May I ask," spoke The Kid softly, "why yo' have reduced yo' offah?"

"Suh," said he, "puhmit a man who was with the victohs of Manasses; who chahged with mo' sand than sense at Franklin; and who cried like a child aftah Nashville, and isn't ashamed of it, by gad! to offah his hand, and to say that he agrees with you, suh, in youah tribute to the soldiers of the wah, and honahs you, suh, as a fohmah foe, and a worthy one, and he hopes, a future friend!"