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"Dis suah am hot work!" cried the colored man, as his hand came in contact with the barrel. "Wow! It's most RED hot!" he added with a cry of pain. "Use the other gun," advised Tom, never turning his head from the window through which he was aiming. "That one may get choked, and explode in here." "All right," answered Eradicate. "Duck!" yelled Ned with sudden energy. "They're going to fire!"

Yo' is tryin' ter bamboozle me, suah." "That is where the Arctic Ocean rolled, all right," growled Phineas Roebach. "I can swear to that. I have been here before. Something has certainly happened to it." "I declare!" chuckled Jack Darrow, who could not miss the joke, despite the seriousness of their situation. "Somebody has removed the ocean without permission."

Dere would be a big bunch o' crape hung on Wash White's do', suah as you is bawn, boy!" But although the roar of the thunder and whining of the wind nearly drowned other sounds in and about the flying machine, save for a freshening of the gale the Snowbird was at first but little disturbed by the tempest which raged with such fury a thousand feet below.

"Hurrah!" shouted the irrepressible Jack. "We're off!" "About nor-norwest is the course, Jack," cried Mark Sampson, likewise inspired by the flight of the Snowbird. As for Washington White, he gazed down to the dusky earth below them and his eyes rolled. "Gollyation!" he muttered. "If Buttsy should fall down dere, he'd suah jounce himself some; wouldn't he?"

"Oh, where have I heard them joyous words before?" cried Cleo, pretending to faint into Margaret's arms. "I golly! Dem suah am lively li'l gals! Dey suah am!" declared Zeb, as he went off to get a fresh pail of water at the spring. Soon the jolly little party, having the really well-appointed camp to themselves, sat down to a wild-wood meal.

I don't see any stakes or evidences of ownership." "If Ah starts to haul up sponges on somebody else's groun' he'll come up and make me get off, suah," replied the boatman. "But suppose he doesn't see you." The boatman grinned. "Dat certainly am his own lookout, boss," he said. "What a cut-throat game," ejaculated the would-be buyer.

"Oh, honey," he exclaimed, holding out his tremulous old hands in a gesture of appeal, while the fire-light flickered on a face on which affection and real sincerity were plain, "I's watched ovuh you evuh sence yo' wuh a baby, an' when I see dat han'some face o' hers was drawin' of yo' on, it jus' nigh broke my ol' brack heaht, it did. It did, Marse Frank, fo' suah."

But thar's no room fer him on this range naow, an' he knows it. An' that kind o' man allus goes bad. He's got it in specul fer Ken, an' hit's suah one er t'other on 'em." And then she shot her last bolt mercilessly: "Would yuh ruther he killed Ken?"

Personal interview with John Henry Kemp, Daytona Beach, Florida Barbara Darsey SLAVE INTERVIEW With CINDY KINSEY, FORMER SLAVE About 86 Years of Age "Yes maam, chile, I aint suah ezackly, but I think I bout 85 mebby 86 yeah old.

She was called a Topsy Doll. "Whut's de mattah heah?" asked Topsy, talking just as a colored doll should talk. "Don't yo' all want fo' me to come an' play tag wif yo'?" "We'd love to have you," said the Jumping Jack, who, being all sorts of colors, did not mind one more. "But our China Cat is afraid some of your black might rub off on her." "Ha! Ha! Ha!" laughed Topsy. "Dat suah am funny!