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"What brings her in here, that's what I'm askin'." "Belike," said I, scrambling over the gunwale, "the man has lost his bearings in this fog, and mistakes Helford for Falmouth entrance." "Lost his bearin's! Jo Pomery lost his bearin's!" Billy regarded me between pity and reproach.

A strange discomfort, a nervousness not altogether unpleasant had somehow taken hold of her, and the sound of his voice relieved her. She shook her head. "No," she said frankly. "I don't think I ever feel that way. But I don't like Beasley." Buck's heat had passed. He laughed. "That was sure a fool question to ask," he said. "Say, it 'ud be like askin' a dove to get busy with a gun."

Jimmy's face was still clouded, and he made no response to his friend's cheery greeting. "I say, Theo," he began, "I'd like to know what you meant by it, anyhow." "What's the trouble, Jimmy? What do you mean?" "What d'you mean by luggin' that thievin', sarcy Carrots over t' the stand this mornin' an' stuffin' him with grub, an' never askin' him for a red cent?"

"You're a clever one, too! . . . Well, and I don't mind you're knowin'. 'Tis a relief, in a way: for now you know I'm pleased enough with your dealins' on my own account." "Thank 'ee. I'm not askin' no names." "As to that, I'd rather not mention the name, either. But I'd be very glad o' your advice: for 'tis important to me, in a way o' speakin'!" Mr Rogers nodded.

"It's a rotten shame, Scraggsy," he said, "to think of that fool McGuffey not bein' here to enjoy himself. I'm goin' to send a note out to him by one of Tabu-Tabu's boys, askin' him once more to come ashore, or to let the first mate and one or two of the seamen come if Mac still refuses to be civil." "Good idea, Gib," said Captain Scraggs, his mouth full of roast chicken and yams. So Mr.

And, slowly moving his long face from side to side, he added: "Besides, what could people do? They can't be expected to support you; and if they started askin' you questions they'd feel it very awkward. They know that, I suspect. Of course, there's such a lot of us; the hansoms are pretty nigh as bad off as we are. Well, we're gettin' fewer every day, that's one thing."

Andrew was so taken with the seated figure that he copied it in stone to hold up the font. "What's that for?" asked David when he saw it. "Are ye askin' Auld Hornie ben the kirk, man?" Andrew laughed and dusted his pointed brown fingers. "One of Pan's people, David. They will not stay away from us. If you sprinkle the threshold with holy water they come through the window."

When you git to win all my eggs, I make a holler like I'm mad. You been cheatin'. And if them two Cholas ain't settin' with their mouths open and lookin' at us, why, I don't know Cholas. They're listenin' right now but they don't sabe. Go ahead and talk like you was askin' me somethin'." "What's your game after we start beefin' about the eggs?" "You pick up a couple and I pick up a couple.

"An' if ther' was?" she said interrogatively. The old man shrugged. "Guess I was wonderin'," he said, plying his knife and fork with some show of indifference. A silence followed. Ma helped herself to more tea and refilled her husband's mug. "Guess we'll have to tell the child," she said presently. "Seems like." A longer silence followed. "She was jest askin' why Seth didn't write."

"I'm not askin' you to take me now, and I won't keep you from your dinner." The next morning as Mr. Morris, the butcher, was driving past the Port house at rather a rapid rate for a man with a heavy wagon, Miss Maria appeared at her door with her bonnet on. She ran out into the middle of the street, and so stationed herself that Mr. Morris was obliged to stop.