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"I canna e'en think, wi' this brute ready ilka meenute to ate me up. I maun tak' her hame. Efter that, gien ye wad like to tell me onything, I s' be at yer service. Bide aboot here or, luik ye: here's the key o' yon door; come throu' that intil the park throu' aneth the toll ro'd, ye ken. It'll tak' me but twa meenutes to gang hame.

Gang na to the magistrate, sir; but as sune's ye hae gotten testimony guid testimony though, sir 'at there's been disorder or immorawlity i' my hoose, come ye to me, an' I'll gie ye my han' to paper on't this meenute, 'at I'll gie up my chop, an' lea' yer perris an' may ye sune get a better i' my place. Sir, I'm like a mither to the puir bodies!

Ay, but stop a meenute, I wouldna wonder, no, really I would not wonder but what it'll be " "The very thing 'at was passin' through my head, mother." "Ye mean 'at the lad Wilkie 'll be to bide wi' the lawyer i'stead o' wi' Sam'l Duthie? Sal, am thinkin' that's it. Ye ken Sam'l an' the lawyer married on cousins; but Mistress Ogilvy ay lookit on Chirsty as dirt aneath her feet.

Syne cam the soon' o' moanin' an' greitin' an' prayin'. "The neist meenute they war back again amo' the lave, luikin' like twa corps. "Er' lang they bethoucht themsels, an twa o' them set oot an aff thegither for the priory that's whaur yer ain hoose o' Lossie noo stan's, my lord, to fess a priest.

But there wasna ane o' the men or the maids 'at wad hae daured be their lanes wi' that man, prence as he ca'd himsel'. "A meenute, or barely twa, was ower, whan a cry cam frae the king's room a fearfu' cry a lang lang skreigh. The men an' the maids luikit at ane anither wi' awsome luiks; an' 'He's killin' her! they a' gaspit at ance.

She shook her head. "Na," said Hendry, "you never mixed them up. I dinna think ye ever missed Joey sae sair as I did." Leeby went ben, and stood in the room in the dark; Jamie knew why. "I'll just gang ben an' speak to Leeby for a meenute," he said to his mother; "I'll no be lang." "Ay, do that, Jamie," said Jess. "What Leeby's been to me nae tongue can tell.

"He kens nae mair aboot whaur I come frae, mem, nor your Jean, wha 's hearkenin' at the keyhole this verra meenute." The quick ear of Malcolm had caught a slight sound of the handle, whose proximity to the keyhole was no doubt often troublesome to Jean. Miss Horn seemed to reach the door with one spring.

She generally has a bit snooze aboot this time efter her meal, ye ken but 'Dinna fash her aboot me, Uncle Purdie. 'Oh, but it it's necessary to get her doon here. She'll maybe be able to break I meant for to say Mr. Purdie stopped short and wiped perspiration from his face. 'Jist a meenute, he said abruptly, and bolted upstairs. Macgregor gazed after the retreating burly figure.

"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Florimel, "I've lost my book!" "I'll gang back an' luik for 't this meenute, my leddy," said Malcolm. "I ken ilka fit o' the road we've come, an' it's no possible but I fa' in wi' 't. Ye'll sune be hame noo, an' it'll hardly be on again afore ye win in," he added, looking up at the clouds. "But how am I to get it? I want it very much."

"Gien ane o' ye muv han' or fit, I'll brain him wi' 's ain stick," he cried, as he wrenched a cudgel from the grasp of one of them. Then catching up a lantern, and hurrying behind the projecting rock "Haste ye, an' come," he shouted. "The w'y 's clear, but only for a meenute." Florimel appeared, and Malcolm got her down. "Mind that fellow," cried the marquis from above.