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Jack and I have set up a sort of Sir Walter and Tom Purdie companionship of clearing and cutting paths through the woods nearest to the house; thinning the overhanging branches, clearing the small evergreen thickets which here and there close over and across the grassy track.

Recognized him, as a matter of fact, by his being in possession of those studs." "And who was he?" asked Purdie. "A man named Purvis Stephen Purvis," answered Guyler. "Sort of man like myself knocked around, taking up this and that, as long as there was money in it. I came across him in Johannesburg, maybe a year after that deal I was telling of.

Under such circumstances, strangers are soon drawn together, and as Levendale and Purdie had a common interest in fishing they were quickly on good terms.

"Got any instructions about Mr. Lauriston?" asked the official. "You haven't? Mr. Lauriston's free to go where he likes, then, as far as we're concerned, here," he added, turning to Purdie. "But he'd far better stay at hand till all this is cleared up." "That's our intention," said Purdie. "Whenever you want Mr. Lauriston, come to me at my hotel he's my guest there, and I'll produce him.

"There'll be an inquest, you know, and what you have to tell'll come in handy, then. There's some mystery about all this affair, Mr. Goodyer, and it's going to take some unravelling." "You're right!" said Goodyer. "I believe you!" He went off along the street, and the detective turned to Purdie and motioned him towards the hospital. "Queer, all that, sir!" he muttered. "Very queer!

In 1779 he became associated with William Goddard in the Maryland Journal, the first newspaper printed in Baltimore. The first daily paper published in Baltimore was by David Graham. Alexander Purdie, a native of Scotland, was editor of the Virginia Gazette from March 1766 to December 1774.

He met Melky Rubinstein emerging from the door; Melky immediately pulled out a telegram which he thrust into Purdie's hand. "Just come, mister!" exclaimed Melky. "There's a word for you in it I was going to your hotel. Read what he says." Purdie unfolded the pink paper and read.

'Excep' when he's aff duty, mistress. This from Willie, who had taken up his position a little way behind Macgregor, an ingratiating grin on his countenance. Aunt Purdie drew up her tall, gaunt, richly-clad figure and examined Private Thomson through eye-glasses on a long tortoise-shell handle. 'Macgregor, who is this gentleman?

So, seeing Major Purdie among the crowd at some one's "afternoon" where she was pouring tea, she looked up at his cheerful face and high bald dome with a passionate curiosity. He knew why the press had been extinguished, and what they were doing in the dark. She knew where the sapphire was and where the culprit was to be found.

Purdie J. Glasson, Holy Innocents' Orphanage, Bursfield, near Birmingham leastways, I can't read the last line clear, the paper bein' frayed; but it's bound to be what I've said." "Why?" "Why, because that's the address. Holy Innocents, down by the canal I know it, o' course, and Dr. Glasson. Damper supplied 'em with milk for over six months, an' trouble enough we had to get our money."