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She ... she ..." distressfully discovering van Hert's eyes still fixed upon her "said something about hoping the wedding would be postponed, and I said it was unlucky." For a moment the constraint was painful. Meryl had grown as white as the tablecloth, and Mr. Pym looked thoroughly worried. Diana, however, had quickly recovered herself, and was now the most composed of any.

"Ye are guid, Cosmo, efter the w'y I behaved to ye last nicht," she answered, with a tremble in her voice. "Dinna think o' 't nae mair, Aggie. To me it is as gien it had never been. My hert's the same to ye as afore an' justly. I believe I un'erstan' ye whiles 'maist as weel as ye du yersel'." "I houp whiles ye un'erstan' me better," answered Aggie.

If he disappoint you, then I dinna know a lad o' pairts when I see him, and the Doctor is with me." "Maister Jamieson," said Marget, with great solemnity, "ma hert's desire is to see George a minister, and if the Almichty spared me to hear ma only bairn open his mooth in the Evangel, I wud hae naething mair to ask ... but I doot sair it canna be managed."

He turned white with dismay then red with anger, and stood speechless. But he was quickly brought to himself by a sharp pinch under the shoulder blade from Kelpie's long teeth: he had forgotten her, and she had taken the advantage. "Wha tellt ye that, Lizzy?" he said. "I'm no at leeberty to say, Ma'colm, but I'm sure it's true, an' my hert's like to brak."

'What wad ye hae me do? asked John, lifting his head a little. 'I wad hae ye sen' a kin' word till her. The lassie's hert's jist longin' efter ye. That's a'. And that's no ower muckle. ''Deed no, assented the mother. John said nothing. But when his visitor rose he bade him a warm good-night. When Robert returned to Aberdeen he was the bearer of such a message as made poor Jessie glad at heart.

But to hear yer mother mamma, as ye used to ca' her aye, efter the new fashion to hear her speyk English, that was sweet to the ear; for the braid Scotch she kent as little o' as I do o' the Erse. It was hert's care aboot him that shortent her days. And a' that'll be laid upo' him. He'll hae 't a' to beir an' accoont for. Och hone! Och hone! Eh!

What to him will be the wind of the world he has left behind, a wind that can not arouse the dead, that can only blow about the grave-clothes of the dead as they bury their dead. "Live, Dawtie," said Andrew to the girl, "and ane day ye'll hae yer hert's desire; for 'Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness."

But noo it's ower, an' here ye are, an' my hert's lichter nor it's been this mony a lang!" Cosmo's own sorrow drew back into the distance from before the face of his father's, and he felt that the business, not the accident of his life, must henceforth be to support and comfort him. And with that it was as if a new well of life sprung up suddenly in his being.

'Her hert's sae sair it gars her greit. She canna help greitin, puir dauty! Phemy lifted her face from Kirsty's bosom, where, like a miserable child, she had been pressing it hard, and, seeming to have lost in the depth of her grief all her natural shyness, looked at Steenie with the most pitiful look ever countenance wore: her rage had turned to self-commiseration.

'I laidna han' to cheek o' Francie Gordon, Phemy; I jist throosh him wi' his father's ain ridin whup 'at my hert's like to brak to think o' 't. I doobt he'll carry the marks til's grave! Kirsty broke into a convulsion of silent sobs and tears. 'Kirsty Barclay, ye're a deevil! cried Phemy in a hoarse whisper: she was spent with passion.