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Raffles 'as gawn, sir," said the porter, with a note of reproach in his confidential undertone. The man was a favorite with Raffles, who used him and tipped him with consummate tact, and he knew me only less well. "Gone!" I echoed aghast. "Where on earth to?" "Scotland, sir." "Already?" "By the eleven-fifty lawst night." "Last night! I thought he meant eleven-fifty this morning!"

"I s'all not goa and see him, Mr. Cartaret." She was very quiet. "Very good. Then I shall pay you a month's wages and you will go on Saturday." It was then that her mouth trembled so that her eyes shone large through her tears. "I wasn't gawn to staay, sir to be a trooble. I sud a gien yo' nawtice in anoother moonth." She paused.

It belonged to young Greatorex and it came from the doorway of the Vicarage yard. "That yo, Dr. Rawcliffe? I wuss joost gawn oop t'road t' see ef yo wuss coomin'." "Of course I was coming." The new doctor was short and stern with young Greatorex. The two voices, the soft and the stern, spoke together for a moment, low, inaudible.

I've heerd that th' prisident is dead gawn on him. He's me cousin. Ye can't tell much about what a man 'll be fr'm what th' kid is. That there Doherty was th' worst omadhon iv a boy that iver I knowed. He niver cud larn his a-ah-bee, abs. But see what he made iv himsilf! Th' best dhriver on th' road; an', by dad, 'tis not twinty to wan he won't be stharter befure he dies.

I don't spunk up like I ust to. No, he didn't go to Peterson's he's gawn right on. My land! I wonder 'f it ain't old gran'ma Eliot: she had a bad spell no, he didn't turn that corner. I can't think where he's goin' to!" She sat down with a sigh of defeat. A smile glimmered palely across Emarine's face and was gone. "Maybe if you'd go up in the antic you could see better," she suggested, dryly.

Eidstein, he felt sure, must be an interesting character. Reaching Furmville early Sunday morning, Bristow went straight to his bungalow, where Mattie had breakfast waiting for him. "You is sholy some big man now, Mistuh Bristow!" she informed him. "Sence you been gawn, folks done made it a habit to drive by hyuh jes' foh de chanct uv seem' you."

Jimmy said: "Don't be a dam' fool," in a pleasant voice. Knowles, rubbing his shoulder against the doorpost, remarked shrewdly: "We can't all go an' be took sick it would be mutiny." "Mutiny gawn!" jeered Donkin, "there's no bloomin' law against bein' sick."

The speaker, in her turn, moved away with a youth who asked her, with much unnecessary emphasis, "what the 'ell she had to do with Albey's feet and why she couldn't leave Chris Denham alone." "If I ain't 'xactly gawn on Russian taller myself, wot's agen Albey a-doin' of it," he asked authoritatively. "Leave the lidy alone and don't arst no questions.

Everybody in the village knew about Dan. The postmistress looked up from stamping the letters to say, "Your brother was here a minute ago." Mr. Horn, the grocer, called to you from the bench at the fork of the roads, "Ef yo're lookin' for yore broother, he's joost gawn oop daale." If Mr. Horn had looked the other way when he saw you coming you would have known that Dan was in the Buck Hotel.

It ran thus: 'DEAR MOTHER, The old feller has gawn of it apened at jest after six e'clock if you want to now I shall come and sea you at ten 'clock to-morow moning and I beleve hes got the will but hes a beest and theers a game up you may take your hothe so I remain C. S. This document she took to the nearest pillar-post, then returned and sat brooding.