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For the land of dreams is a place where you can't slip on your sun-bonnet and foller neighbor wimmen to see what they are a-doin' or what they are a-sayin' from hour to hour. No, the best calculator on gettin' neighborhood news can't even look into that land, much less foller a neighborin' female into it. No, their barks have got to be moored outside of them mysterious shores.

Prudence! thee cum' out o' the gutter;" or, "Mercy! drat the girl, what bist thee a-doin' wi' little Faith?" and there were Ruths, Rachels, Keziahs, in every corner. The same with the boys: they were Benjamins, Jacobs, Noahs, Enochs. I suppose the custom has come down from Puritan times. There it is, at any rate, very strong still in the Vale.

And then he ordered me to take a pin and get the thorn out, and then acted mad as a hen at me all the time I wuz a-doin' it; acted jest as if I wuz a-prickin' him a-purpose. He talked voyalent and mad. I tried to hush him down; I told him the author of "Wedlock's Peaceful Repose" would hear him, and he hollered back "he didn't care a cent who heard him.

"Go on an' continue the search, Josiah." "That's what I'm a-doin'," returned the constable. He felt the coat over carefully and presently brought forth another ring and a pair of child's bracelets. "It's as plain as preachin'!" came from the third man, a farmer named Gassam. "He's the thief, sure." "I declare upon my honor I am innocent," cried Dick, the hot blood rushing to his face.

Your father? yelled Captain Burrows, jumping up and grasping both my hands. 'Of course he was; darn my lubberly wit that I couldn't see that before! Then he hugged me as if I was a ten-year-old girl, and danced around me like a maniac. "'By all the gods at once, if this don't seem like Providence yes, sir, old man Providence himself! What are you a-doin'? When did you come out here?

An' while you're a-doin' it, bein' as you're a pretty good Greaser, I'll just take a drink to you " "Greasaire, non! Me, A'm hate de damn Greasaire!" The cowpuncher paused with the bottle half way to his lips and scrutinized the other: "I thought you was a little off colour an' talked kind of funny. What be you?" "Me, A'm Blood breed. Ma fader she French. Ma moder she Blood Injun.

"I reckon he loved her very much." "Then you're sure they hadn't quarrelled?" "Dead sure, ma'am. He would come back afteh he had played some more of the game." "The game?" "Life, ma'am. Whatever he was a-doin' in the world of men. That's a bed-rock piece, ma'am!" "Well, I don't see why you think it's so much better than some of the others." "I could sca'cely explain," answered the man.

"You there, Beecot?" said this gentleman, coldly. "I wish you would tell this brat to let me enter." "Brat yourself y' toff," cried Tray, pocketing his money. "Ain't I a-doin' as my master tells me? He's engaged with two pretty women" he leered in a way which made Paul long to box his ears "so I don't spile sport. You've got tired of them, Mr. Beecot?" "How do you know Mr.

Now, if you'd take the advice of a plain man, you'd never try it on. You're a grave man by natur', and you're so bad at a joke that a feller can't quite tell w'en you're a-doin' of it. See, now! I do declare I wos as near drivin' you right over the stern o' your own boat as could be, only by good luck I seed the twinkle in your eye in time."

"What was I a-doin', zur? Oh, I wur with Varmer Twine, head labr'er I was. Strong? Oh yes, zur, pretty fair. I mind I could throw a zack o' vlour ower my shoulder when I wur a boy o' vourteen. Why! I wur stronger then than I be now. 'Twas India that done me." "Is it a large farm?" I asked, seeking to beguile him with homely thoughts. "Six 'undred yackers.