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"Wull, he's a vine upstandin' zart of a gentleman," the landlord answered glibly in his own dialect; "as proper a gentleman as you'd wish to zee in a day's march; med be about your height, zur, or a trifle more, has his moustaches curled round zame as if it med be a bellick's harns; an' a strange zart o' a look about his eyes, too, as if ur could zee right drew an' drew 'ee." "That's him!"

"'Tis a fine harbour you got here, Skipper David Roth," they would say to my father, when it came time to go aboard, "an' here, zur," raising the last glass, "is t' the rocks that make it!" "T' the schooners they shelter!" my father would respond. When the weather turned civil, I would away to the summit of the Watchman a scamper and a mad climb to watch the doughty little schooners on their way.

Lord, what a mint o' diggin' we 'ave done in they trenches to be sure. And bullets vlying like wopses zumtimes." "Are your parents alive?" I asked. "No, zur, they be both gone to Kingdom come. Poor old feyther," he said after a pause. "I mind 'un now in his white smock all plaited in vront and mother in her cotton bonnet you never zee 'em in Wiltshire now.

Wir alle reden eine Sprach' Und stehen air fur eine Sach' Im ehrenvoilen Streit!" "Und wer sich feig entzieht dem Kampf Fur Freiheit und fur Ehr', Wer nicht das Schwertergreift zur Stund! Der leb' und sterb' als schlechter Hund, Der sei kein Deutscher mehr!" And honor's path pursue. Since all one common language speak And all one sacred object seek, Your jealousies subdue.

They are without exception all so barren that to sincere inquirers they appear as little more than names masquerading Wo die begriffe fehlen da stellt ein wort zur rechten zeit sich ein.

'Maister Huckaback, he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, 'tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar.

Will you help carry out the laws, even against your own flesh and blood, if necessary?" "Oi'll 'bey orders, zur," replied the man, emphatically. "Oi've come to Amarekay to stay, and oi'll stan' by the goovernment." "Can you bring me a certificate of your character?" "Oi can, zur, for foive years aback."

He started; then, perceiving who it was, he withdrew his hand with a wrench, and turned away: which hurt me. "You are the son," said he, "of the woman who died, are you not?" I was more abashed than ever and wished I had not been so bold. "I'm Davy Roth, zur," I whispered, for I was much afraid. "My mother's dead an' buried, zur." "I saw you," said he, "in the room that night."

She told of a monstrous moon-drunken world, then she described Columbine, a dandy, a pale washer-woman "Eine blasse Wäscherin wäscht zur Nachtzeit bleiche Tücher" and always with a refrain, for Guiraud employs the device to excess. It is the decomposition of the art, I thought, as I held myself in my seat. Of course, I meant decomposition of tones, as the slang of the ateliers goes.

In this case it bears a decided family-likeness to the following letter in the German-Gipsy dialect, which originally appeared in a book entitled, Beytrag zur Rottwellischen Grammatik, oder Worterbuch von der Zigeuner Spracke, Leipzig 1755, and which was republished by Dr A. F. Pott in his stupendous work, Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien. Halle, 1844.