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"It's natural and right for 'em to talk different from each other, ain't it?" "Course." "And ain't it natural and right for a cat and a cow to talk different from US?" "Why, mos' sholy it is." "Well, then, why ain't it natural and right for a FRENCHMAN to talk different from us? You answer me that." "Is a cat a man, Huck?" "No." "Well, den, dey ain't no sense in a cat talkin' like a man.

Look at dem fo' li'l' spot' on de man' foot! Now, Mistoo Tah-bawx! You been talk' 'bout dem ah bahsta'd hawn-snake not pizen! Well, mos' sholy dey bite ain't pizen; but if dat hawn on de een of his tail dess on'y tetch you, you' gone! Look at dat man! Kill' him so quick dey wa'n't time for de place to swell whah he was hit!" But Tarbox quietly pointed out to St.

He sholy wake up missy wif he barkin'." The barking did waken Sabella, and as she lifted her head to listen, she whispered wonderingly to herself, "It's Bim! It's dear old Bim. I know his voice." Winn, bending wearily over the statement he was preparing for the police, heard the barking, and looked up with a startled expression on his troubled face.

"Dat is sholy de trufe w'en I has been wid you," said Martha Jane Jenkins, wrathfully. But now from the open attic windows were heard such piercing shrieks that they all with one consent turned in that direction. "Americky, you go bring me you brudda," instructed Martha, cuffing soundly the girl with the guilty eye.

The old woman wiped her eyes as she said to her companion, "Hit do seem a speshul blessin', Lizy, dat I been spaihed to see dat chile once mo' in de flesh. He sholy was mighty nigh to my hea't, an' w'en he went erway, I thought it 'ud kill me. But I kin see now dat hit uz all fu' de bes'. Think o' 'Rastus comin' home, er big man! Who'd evah 'specked dat?"

It was lighter here, and he recognized it at once. "Hit's Mars' Blodgett, de kunnel's old sojuh man. Him got a bullet-hole in de fohaid, suh; him a dead man sholy, an' heah is his gun by his han'," he said in an awestruck whisper. "Blodgett! Good God, it can't be." "Yes, suh, it's him, and dere's anoder one ober dah. See, suh!"

"Well, you keep good grass here all the same." "Dar ain' but one way ter do hit, suh, en dat's ter dung hit," replied Uncle Boaz, and he remarked a minute afterwards, as he put down the lowered handles of the wheel barrow, and stood prodding the ashes in his pipe, "I'se gwinter vote fur you, Marse Abel, I sholy is " "Thank you, Uncle Boaz!"

Then I heard the hoof-beats on the soft dirt of the drive. Then silence, the silence of a summer morning which is all myriad sweet sounds. Then Lindy appeared, starched and turbaned. "Marse Dave, how you feel dis mawnin'? Yo' 'pears mighty peart, sholy. Marse Dave, yo' chair is sot on de gallery. Is you ready? I'll fotch dat yaller nigger, Andre." "You needn't fetch Andre," I said; "I can walk."

"Yas'm," said the rich and comfortable voice of Lily-Anna, the cook, from the dining-room door; "you sholy is pretty. Yas'm a lady wants to stay pretty when she's married. Yo' don' look much mo'n a bride, ma'am, an' dat's a fac'. Does you want yo' dinnehs brought into de sittin'-room regular till de gem'man gits well?"

Eidstein, he felt sure, must be an interesting character. Reaching Furmville early Sunday morning, Bristow went straight to his bungalow, where Mattie had breakfast waiting for him. "You is sholy some big man now, Mistuh Bristow!" she informed him. "Sence you been gawn, folks done made it a habit to drive by hyuh jes' foh de chanct uv seem' you."