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"Here is a bottle containing only a few drops of faba Ignatii in water, it is an innocent medicine, and has sometimes a magical effect in soothing the mind and nerves. A table-spoonful three times a day. And THIS is a sedative, which you can take if you find yourself quite unable to sleep.

Gregson's house stood, or nearly so, there was a house which, in the early part of the last century, belonged to a gentleman and his sister named Fabius. Their real name was Bean; but, after the manner of the then learned, they assumed the name of Fabius, from "Faba." Mr. or, as he was called, "Dr."

BASIL, SWEET. Ocymum Basilicum. A pot-herb of considerable use for culinary purposes. It is an annual; and the seeds should be sown in a hot-bed in March, and transplanted into the open ground. It is usually dried as other pot-herbs. BEANS. Vicia Faba. The varieties of the garden-beans are as follow: The early Mazagan and Longpod are planted in November. These will usually be fit for use in June.

Starch is soluble in hot water, and becomes of the nature of gum. It is however insoluble in cold water, and on this account when pulverized it makes most excellent hair-powder. Vicia Faba. THE BEAN. Several kinds of Beans are cultivated by farmers. The principal are the Horse-Bean or Tick-Bean; the Early Mazagan; and the Long-pods.

This is a very odd plant, agreeing with no described genus. The leaf is almost round, green on the upper side and whitish underneath, with several fibres running from the insertion of the pedicule towards the circumference, it is umbilicated as Cotyledon aquatica and Faba Aegyptia.