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The ships bearing the founder of the Roman Empire, Dido, the foundress of Carthage, stabbing herself after having announced Hannibal: Exoriare aliquis nostius exossibus ulta.

But in the words of the Roman poet: "'Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor. May some avenger and successor arise out of my bones! May this great and national movement of civilization not fall with my person. But may the conflagration which I have kindled spread farther and farther as long as one of you still breathes!" Those were his last words to the working-men of Germany.

Especially when I was left by myself, the thought came upon me that deliverance is wrought, not by the many but by the few, not by bodies but by persons. Now it was, I think, that I repeated to myself the words, which had ever been dear to me from my school days, "Exoriare aliquis!" now too, that Southey's beautiful poem of Thalaba, for which I had an immense liking, came forcibly to my mind.

Now it was, I think, that I repeated to myself the words, which had ever been dear to me from my school days, "Exoriare aliquis!" now too, that Southey's beautiful poem of Thalaba, for which I had an immense liking, came forcibly to my mind. I began to think that I had a mission. There are sentences of my letters to my friends to this effect, if they are not destroyed.

England, the old victorious island kingdom, bequeathed to us by Raleigh, Drake, Nelson; the nineteenth-century England of triumphant commercialism; England till then inviolate for a thousand years; rich and powerful beyond all other lands; broken now under the invader's heel that ancient England slept. Exoriare aliquis de nostris ex ossibus ultor. The river glideth at his own sweet will.

He expected hourly a total change in the Council, and that men like Clavering and Monson might be again joined to Francis, that some great avenger should arise from their ashes, "Exoriare, aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor," and that a more severe investigation and an infinitely more full display would be made of his robbery than hitherto had been done.