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Dey's got dar chu'ches, an' dar ways, an' we's got our chu'ches, an' our ways. But den it's dif'rent wid you all. An' you all's not like white folks in gin'ral, an' 'specially strawngers. You all isn't strawngers now. I don't reckon dar'll be no 'jections to your comin', ef you set sollum, an' I know you'll do dat, Miss Annie, coz you did it when you was a little gal.

Old Hornblower am trying to sell you; and if he can't do it, and tinks dat de ossifers am coming down on him, why he'll jis' chuck you oberboard and dar'll be de end ob it. You see, yous a purty big boy to steal, and if he lets you go, he'll be likely to hear from you again." Jim thanked his new friend from the bottom of his heart, and asked him what was the best thing to do.

And up there," nodding toward the north, "there won't be any cooks." "Don't forget," interrupted Elmer, "camp camp well, my camp. When you get dar dar'll be a good meal waitin' you and when you git outen de mountains I'll still be dar waitin' wid eatin's." The boys laughed again. "Like as not," suggested Alan, "if you get all that truck up there. You'll certainly have enough.

With the cries and laughter of children, two boys sprang upon the tree with axes, but Bob waved them back. "Go back an' git dat cross-cut saw!" he said. Bob, as ex-warrior, took precedence even of his elders now. "Fool niggers don't seem to know dar'll be mo' wood to burn if we don't waste de chips!"

There'll be a message for you, Julius. There always is." Julius's smile was as bland as sunshine. "Yaas, Miss Lucy. I 'spects dar'll be some excommunication fer me. Marse Fauquier sho' do favour Old Marster in dat. He don' never forgit! 'Pears ter me he'd better come home all dis heah congratulatin' backwards an' forwards wid gunpowder over de kintry! Gunpowder gwine burn ef folk git reckless!"

"Dat's wot eberybody thought, an' to tell you de truf, Miss Annie, I thought so too. But ef I was strong 'nuf to go to de pos' offis, an' I did dat, Miss Annie, an' not long ago nuther, I reckon I's strong 'nuf to go to chu'ch, an' Uncle Isham is a comin' wid de oxcart to take me ter-morrer mawnin'. Dar'll be pow'ful wakenin's, an' I ain't seen de Jerus'lum Jump in a mighty long time."

Marse Bob done knock his heels higher'n his haid. Oh, glory!" And puffing and sweating he dived into the fort with all the canteens. He had brought the water. But "Marse Jim, please, sar, make dis water go fur as possible," he pleaded. "'Twon't take much mo' dat kind o' work 'foh dar'll be one nigger less in dis world. No, sar!

Now, says I, 'Cato, de ole Doctor's gwine to be married, an' dis yer's his quiltin'-cake, an' Miss Mary, she's gwine to be married, an' dis yer's her quiltin'-cake. An' dar'll be eberybody to dat ar quiltin'; an' ef de cake a'n't right, why, 'twould be puttin' a candle under a bushel.

Git erway from de window don't yeh heah? Come eround some odder night, For dere's gwine ter be er fight, An' dar'll be razzers er-flyin' through de air." The sophomores retired to a safe distance and then challenged the freshmen to come out and fight. They called them cowards and other things, but the freshmen laughed and taunted them in return.

De las' shootin' was done by Marse Jack Doomont, who crippled Marse Tom Higbee's brudder Jo, and den skipped to Europe. Dey say he's come back, and is lying low over at Atlanty. Dar'll be lively times of he comes here to see Miss Sally." "But he may have changed his ideas while living abroad, where this sort of thing is simple murder." The negro shook his head grimly. "Den he wouldn't come, sah.