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"Have we ever heard a whoop like that before?" asked Elmer. "Now you're thinking of Hen Condit, of course, Elmer," came from Toby. "Well, Hen's got a good strong pair of lungs, let me tell you," admitted Landy. "I remember the time that cow tossed him when he was a small boy, and say, he made everybody inside of half a mile run outdoors to see what was the matter.

"And this bum detective is here for the same purpose!" "Yes, though where he received his information is more than I know. Upon his return to his home, Mr. Carson immediately made good the two hundred thousand dollars taken from the Night and Day bank and employed detectives to look up the missing coin. "Is Ventner one of them?" asked Will. "I don't think so," replied Elmer.

Elmer realized that Lil Artha was speaking earnestly, and showing no symptoms of having played a practical joke. "Now tell us all about it, Lil Artha," he commanded. "Why, it was about thisaway," said the other, obediently. "I happened to wake up and felt a bit thirsty, so I sat up thinking I'd crawl over to our big jug of fresh water and take a swig.

Picture not'in!" said Elmer, huskily. "The bulls got not'in' on them boys. Them guys never been mugged. Them guys is too foxy t' get mugged." "I infer that you weren't always so foxy," said Cleggett, eyeing him curiously. The remark seemed to touch a sensitive spot. Elmer flushed and shuffled from one foot to the other, hanging his head as if in embarrassment.

"How long since you've seen Jimmie Maynard and Dick Thompson?" asked Will. "You must have failed to connect with them tonight!" "How do you know that?" "Because if you had bumped into them, they would fed you out of the provisions they stole from us!" "I haven't been looking for them tonight!" Elmer replied.

He had not dared attempt to swim ashore in the dark, and so had drifted on during the night, keeping his feet from freezing by holding them most of the time in the water. After breakfast Mr. Elmer and the captain held a consultation, the result of which was that the former offered Jan Jansen work in Florida, if he chose to go to the St.

As they looked, the detective stepped forward into the circle of illumination and began working with a pick. "Is he always doing that when you see him?", asked Tommy. "You bet he is!" answered Dick. "What's he doing it for?" "You'll have to ask Elmer that." "But you know, don't you?"

"Mebbe it was appleplexy," suggested Elmer Spiker. "Mebbe it was," said Josiah. "It must have been somethin' like that; but whatever it was, there stood the boy. 'You is free, he says, addressin' the scholars. And the children broke from the seats and started for'a'd to worship him. And Pinky Binn was almost on her knees at his feet, when a strange thing happened. "There was music.

They went ashore to eat their lunch, Lil Artha begging that they have a small fire and make a pot of coffee. "I c'n pick up aplenty of real dry wood, you know, Elmer," he went on to say in his wheedling way, "so that there ain't going to be hardly a whiff of smoke that anybody could see with a field glass.

"How simple it was, too. There was no cause for mystery." "It would still be a mystery to Elmer Spiker, say. He can't conceive a man living in the country by choice." "To Elmer Spiker indeed, to most of the folks around here, the city is man's natural environment. It's just bad luck to be country-born." "Exactly," said I. Weston is a keen fellow.