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At first he would not agree, for, he said, he'd been "lagging a bit during the day 'long o' them squaddies," and wanted to put in a day's work. "You will, before you've done, Joe, for you've got to pull the boat back. So have a swig of beer and we'll change over. And madam shall acknowledge the virtues of our Kate's peppermint cordial." Joe shipped his oars and reached out for his bottle of beer.

"Maybe this will atone for the postponed banquet," he smiled. He got the water-bottle hanging on the peg by the fireplace, and brought that to Pell also. He tried to be as gracious as he could to anyone under his roof. Pell took a swig out of the bottle a long one. "Good God!" he exclaimed, his face almost purple, his brow puckered like a dwarf's. "What's the matter?" Gilbert said.

"Be still, Fergus McKay," said Dechamp, with that firmness of manner and tone which somehow command respect; "I know all about it. Take one bit of bread, one swig more of tea, and you go with me to Fort Garry, to tell the Gov'nor what you know. He will send help at once." Great was the relief of Fergus when he heard this.

Glad to escape further observation, Tabitha followed blue-eyed Carrie over to the corner of the room where the bucket stood, surrounded by the thirsty boys and girls, all clamoring for a turn. "Hurry up, Jack Leavitt, it's almost time for the bell and I want a drink!" "Give me that dipper, you Jim Gates; I want another swig!" "Wait your turn, stingy!"

What most amused me in respect to these boozing implements were the pegs that marked the depths down to which the stalwart Dane was able to swig at a pull one enormous draught of wine. In some cases the name and date of the achievement of the heavy drinker was engraved on the flagon to record his feat.

"Saint Foster," proceeded his pretended judge, "we earnestly exhort you to lift this bottle of spirits to your lips, and, having taken a hearty swig thereof, to say after me, `Long life and prosperity to free-thought and good fellowship. If you will do this we shall be fully satisfied, and shall all part good friends." "And if I refuse?" asked the other. "Oh!

Curse the big brute! he thinks I have given myself away. But I'll show him!" He was already mellow, but he took another swig to hearten him, as was his habit. "There's a damned sight too much yell about your laugh, Armstrong," he said, truly enough, getting a courage from his anger and the drink. "No gentleman laughs like that."

Her long slender wands of masts, which used to swig about, as if there were neither shrouds nor stays to support them, were now as taut and stiff as church steeples, with four heavy shrouds of a side, and stays and back stays, and the Devil knows what all. "Now," quoth Tailtackle, "if them heave'emtaughts at the yard have not taken the speed out of the little beauty, I am a Dutchman."

A man who had it in him to fight giants wasn't cut out for teaching school. Mackenzie sat with his back to a haycock thinking in this vein. The sound of running water was near; he went to the creek and bathed his throat, easing its burning with a deep swig.

For in spite of my revolt against the earth, I'd like to give Nan the cup, not of earth sorceries but earth loveliness, and let her swig it to the bottom.