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Pinky had emptied her glass of sangaree before she was half through with her oysters, and kept urging Flora to drink. "Don't be afraid of it, dear," she said, in a kind, persuasive way; "there's hardly a thimbleful of wine in the whole glass. It will soothe your nerves, and make you feel ever so much better."

Thousands of men and women, boys and girls, once innocent as the babes upon whom Christ laid his hand in blessing, are drawn into this whirlpool of evil every year, and few come out except by the way of prison or death. It was toward this locality that Pinky Swett directed her feet, after parting with Mrs. Bray.

Everything is so informal since the war." She had a pretty wit of her own, Mrs. Brewster. Of course Pinky laughed then, and kissed her mother and hugged her hard. "It's just that it seems so idiotic your digging around in an attic in this day and age! Why, it's it's " Pinky could express herself much more clearly in colours than in words. "There is no such thing as an attic.

"That's 17, 19, 28," said Pinky, reading from her book. The next cut gave the ace of clubs, and the policy numbers were 18, 63, 75. "Once more, and the ten rows will be full;" and the cards were cut again. "Five of hearts 5, 12, 60;" and the ten rows were complete. "There's luck there, Fan; sure to make a hit," said Pinky, with almost childish confidence, as she gazed at the ten rows of figures.

"Nothing in the least," replied her mother, "but sometimes little girls, and boys, too, for that matter, are afraid to stay alone, even when their mamma wants to go get a drink of water." "Oh! I hope I'm not that kind, mamma," spoke Pinky. "Then I'll just run across the street for a minute," went on Mrs. Twistytail. "Everything is all right here.

So on the next page, in case the baking powder doesn't shoot the sponge cake in the bathtub and make the towel ring the bell, I'll tell you about Curly and the big apple. One day, oh, I guess it was about a week after Baby Pinky went to the hospital, something else happened to the two piggie brothers.

Newell's gold inkstand, her jewelled penholder, her heavily-monogrammed despatch-box, gave back from their expensive surfaces the glint of the flame, which sought out and magnified the orient of the pearls among the lady's laces and found a mirror in the pinky polish of her finger-tips.

Another ride of nearly half a mile, when Pinky left the car and struck away from the common thoroughfare into a narrow alley, down which she walked for a short distance, and then disappeared in one of the small houses. No one happened to observe her entrance. Through a narrow passage and stairway she reached a second-story room. Taking a key from her pocket, she unlocked the door and went in.

Kiss Pinky good-bye for me, too, he adds. "Two minutes later I heard the boat splash over the stern davits an' the black boys raisin' a song as they lay to their work. I turns to Pinky, takes her in my arms an' kisses her for the first time in three weeks, an' she knows that th' jig is up. She might 'a' slipped a dirk in me, but she wasn't that kind. Women is women, McGuffey, the world over.

"Even in a fairy story it 'ud be ridiculous to let a boy of fifteen beat a trained teacher," said Josiah Nummler. "He didn't quite, and it come this way. Leander asked Pinky Binn if he had eleven apples and multiplied them by five how many was they left. She says sixty-five. So she works her fingers and her lips a-while, like she was deef and dumb.